Aphasia: Signs and Symptoms You Must Know
Aphasia is a brain disorder with the people having communication problems as a result of damaged parts of the brain. It is mainly caused by stroke. People with aphasia have difficulties in writing, reading, speaking, and in listening. It does not however affect your intelligence. This is a chronic problem because it can go as far as causing swallowing difficulties. In case you are dealing with such a patient you need to be wise, caring and very patient person. This will help you to cope with this patient and make him/her feel appreciated.
The following are signs or symptoms of aphasia
1. Difficulty in reading and writing
As a parent, you need to pay so much attention to the children’s behavior since they may have disorders out of your own knowledge. Watch how they study and in case you notice they have trouble while reading takes them for check-up to ensure that they are already suffering from aphasia. Make sure you get to know how they behave in school by getting a report from their teachers. In this case, if you notice that your child has such a problem do not rush to make them feel uncomfortable or start beating them around without knowing the cause.
2. Difficulty in understanding knowledge
According to lifestyle fitness news, this states that you are the first teacher to your child hence; you will be the first to notice when that your child does not understand any language. You can give him/her time up to 3 years whereby if, the child does not speak you will have to see a doctor. Make sure that the child is well examined to state whether he/she is suffering from aphasia. Do not panic as a parent since you will be taught how to deal and help your child grow with your total love and care.
3. Difficulty producing language
This is another sign that as a parent you do not have to stay at home without clarification from a doctor stating whether your child’s condition is normal or abnormal. About the lifestyle and fitness news, it is stated that as a parent to such a child you are supposed to love them and show them concern. Do not neglect your child due to the health conditions.
What you can do to have effective communication with persons with aphasia;
- Maintain eye contact
Avoid being absent minded while around such a person. Eye contact will make it easy for you to listen and have easy understanding while making a conversation with someone suffering from aphasia.
- Keep your voice at a normal level
Do not shout so much or speak slowly since you will not make effective communication. Ensure that the voice you use is normal and does not cause alarm. You will be glad to make an effective communication ensuring that you got all the needs and concerns of such a person. This will make someone who is suffering from aphasia have a feeling of being loved and appreciated.
- Keep communication simple
For you to enhance better communication, ensure that when you make medical visits, your doctor gives you supplements which will help to boost communication and improve memory. Avoid being too detailed rather go direct to the point. This will enhance better and first communication making you save time you could have used trying to listen.
- Give the person time to speak
Do not be too first in making conclusions on how they want to say. Allow them express themselves fully before you start making conclusion on what they wanted to say.
- Communicate with gestures, writing, and drawing
Try to learn on how to communicate with gestures to communicate easily and avoid doing what they did not mean. You can attend special classes and learn sign language which will help you get better and make the life of the aphasia patient simple.
- Reduce your rate of speech
Do not speak to first in order to allow them have enough time to listen and understand what you wanted to say.
- Minimize background noise
Ensure there is no additional noise while speaking to allow the patient get access to your statements. Look for a silent place if you really want to make effective communication.
A child suffering from aphasia should not be neglected. Teach your other children on how to love and show love to their child. Make it a routine to remind them that their brother or sister still needs them despite their condition. Learn to tolerate how your child leaves and behaves. In case you are a high tempered person ensure that you are able to cool as first as possible in order to avoid hurting a child suffering from aphasia. Learn to listen carefully to them once they try to communicate.