Exeter gains its first National Education Leader

Huw Oxburgh
Authored by Huw Oxburgh
Posted Tuesday, September 10, 2013 - 3:28pm

An Exeter primary school and its head teacher have been appointed to help improve schools facing challenging circumstances.

Head teacher Tracy Hannon  has been named a National Leader of Education and Wynstream Primary designated a National Support School in the first of such appointments from Exeter schools.

The roles will see Ms Hannon and staff  from Wynstream Primary work with schools in challenging circumstances to help them improve with support from their experience and expertise.

The Ofsted report on Wynstream Primary said pupils displayed exemplary attitudes to lessons and made excellent progress because of the outstanding climate for learning throughout the school.

Ms Hannon will receive specialised training next month to prepare for her role as a National Leader of Education, which will see her and her staff use their success to help struggling schools or those transitioning into academies.

Ms Hannon said: “We are delighted. Our staff are incredibly hard working and committed to improving outcomes for children and now we will have the opportunity to support other schools on similar journeys.”

The scheme typically sees both partners benefit from the process, resulting in a rise in the exam results of both schools above the national average.

There are now over 800 NLEs who must receive ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted to carry on in their roles.

Charlie Taylor, Chief Executive of the National College for Teaching and Leadership, said: “It’s great that heads like Tracy are willing to look beyond their own school gates to help more pupils achieve.

“School-to-school support is having a growing impact and the results speak for themselves with benefits for both the schools being supported and those providing the support.”

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