Outstanding children’s home with ‘awesome’ staff
Blossom Corner Community Children’s Home, in Stoke Hill area of the city, has been rated outstanding by Ofsted after it was visited by Inspectors at the end of last year. The inspectors were impressed with the positive and calm atmosphere in the home, the outstanding outcomes for the young people, and the excellent relationships the young people have with the staff.
The home has six short-term rooms for young people with emotional or behavioural difficulties aged between ten and 18.
Young people at the home spoke movingly to the inspectors about the way the staff at the home had helped them come to terms with very difficult personal experiences, and how they had grown in confidence and self esteem during their placement. One young person said, ‘living here has made a massive difference to me’ and ‘being at the home turned my life around’.
The home was praised for their commitment to the young people continuing their education, as well as providing homework support and extra curricular activities. These include holidays, trips to the theatre, ice skating and swimming. The young people said that staff enthusiasm was ‘awesome’.
Contact with families is positively encouraged, and the young people learn how to cook and bake, with staff and residents eating together. The young people feel they have impact positively on the running and the development of the home.
The quality of the care is outstanding, with the inspectors particularly impressed with the nurturing and child focussed approach and how the young people engage with this.
Councillor Andrea Davis, Cabinet Member responsible for children in care said: “The staff at Blossom Corner should be delighted with this Ofsted report. The time, effort and understanding they have for each young person is endless and so obviously life changing.”
The home was also commended for making the building feel homely with photos, books and board games, with a large outside space and vegetable garden