Surf Action Empowerment help out at Wembury Point

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Thursday, May 16, 2013 - 4:46pm

This week the Surf Action Empowerment Project joined National Trust Ranger Lorna Sherriff and National Trust Volunteering and Community Involvement Consultant Heather Worth for a morning of volunteering at Wembury Point. Surf Action is a charity dedicated to serving military veterans and their families affected by Post Traumatic Shock Disorder and physical injuries, providing a community, a place to share experiences and support to move forward from difficulties.

Firstly the group assisted with checking all ponies and foals brought onto the site for conservation grazing; and helped move them to the next grazing compartment. After that, the group helped with removing the post and rail fencing material off site to be re-used at another location.

Ranger Lorna Sherriff explained: "It was great to have this group volunteering. They had such patience and perseverance when moving the ponies who did not behave as well as they usually do; and they worked really hard to move all the fencing materials. Before we started the work, it was explained to the group how their work benefited the site and its wildlife, giving them a very brief insight into some of the outdoor activities undertaken by the Ranger team."

Russ Pierre, Surf Action co-ordinator, explained: "This pilot project is funded through the Flexible Support Fund by Job Centre Plus and the DWP; and has been an amazing way of engaging with ex-service personnel across Devon and Cornwall who find themselves unemployed.

"Visiting a number of organisations allows each individual to experience a variety of sectors and possibly expand their employment horizons. The value of volunteering is highly under-rated and yet the experience of our day with the National Trust showed just how good ex-services are at team work and communication.

"The day also opened up opportunities for voluntary positions at Saltram House and, if the veterans show a commitment, the possibility of further training is a reality. Whilst unemployed, individuals have a great deal of time on their hands; and if this can be used wisely then numerous opportunities can arise and job applications can be so much more interesting to employers. Surf Action would like to thank Lorna Sherriff and Heather Worth for their time and support and we look forward to our forthcoming day with the National Trust in Exeter."

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