East Devon District Council’s new pavement campaign to ‘kerb’ dog fouling

Dog mess is one of the most common causes for complaints among residents when asked about issues in their community.

This month, East Devon District Council (EDDC) is launching a new campaign aimed at deterring the small but irritating band of irresponsible dog owners who allow their pets to foul pavements and public areas in East Devon.

The council’s “Pick It Up” campaign features a particularly strong message, which will be painted on the ground at hotspots around the district where dog mess is a particular problem.

Councillor Iain Chubb, EDDC’s Cabinet Member for Environment, said: “The message for irresponsible dog owners from this campaign is quite clear. If you aren’t picking up the poop, someone may drop you in it”.

Iain Chubb added: “Dog mess is a perennial problem for local councils all over the country. The majority of dog owners are very good at picking up after their pets and putting the stuff in the dog waste bins we provide.


“We are targetting the small but persistent group of people who either don’t care or can’t be bothered. They are the ones putting the rest of us to the trouble of cleaning our shoes, protecting our children from disease carried by dog mess, and even saving other pets walking through the stuff.

“This campaign will highlight the problem in very graphic terms, by spraying a message on the pavement to remind dog owners of their responsibilities. The message, which is in red degradable paint, will last for about two weeks and will then fade.

“This is not graffiti – it’s a responsible council sending a very clear message to everyone that our Dog Warden and other staff are on the lookout for the culprits and we’re hoping the public will help us to catch them and prosecute”.

The campaign posters will be on show in public buildings across East Devon and larger versions will be on display on the sides of the Council’s vans as they travel around the district.



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