Learn to create professional standard Patisserie

Authored by JAMIII
Posted: Mon, 05/13/2013 - 9:22am

The second in a series of master classes taught by local, well-known French chef Mikael Perret is all set for Thursday 16 May. The class runs from 7 - 9pm and is being held at Gourmandine Creperie & Bistrot on Catherine Street, just behind House of Fraser.

This month's lesson is all about Patisserie and students can expect to learn the finer details of making French classics like warm chocolate & hazelnut brownie and fondant, raspberry tarts with crème patisserie, profiteroles with chocolate granache and crème Chantilly, and of course short crust, sweet & choux pastry...

First-ever music video filmed in space

Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, who is set lo leave the International Space Station (ISS) on 14 May, released a video of himself singing the 1969 classic Space Oddity by David Bowie.

Chris has been entertaining social media fans for months with tweets from space, and released the video on Twitter saying: "With deference to the genius of David Bowie, here's Space Oddity , recorded on Station. A last glimpse of the World." (NewsPoint)

Credit: Chris Hadfield

Fire in Newquay destroys a third of Western Greyhound's bus fleet

Devon & Cornwall Police say that they received a call at 1.17am this morning (3 May 2013) reporting that a number of buses were on fire in the Summercourt area of Cornwall. It is thought that at least 37 buses have been deystroyed by fire, a third of bus firm Western Greyhound's fleet, which will impact on the bus service provided in mid-Cornwall. There were no persons injured as a result of the fire. It is understood that there will be no Park & Ride service from Truro operating today. The A3058 Newquay to St Austell Road will remain closed for most of the day between Summercourt...

Man dies after becoming trapped by the tractor he was driving near Beaworthy

Update: The deceased has now been formally identified as Kevin Vallance, 54, from the Okehampton area.

At around 5.50pm on Sunday 12 May 2013 police were notified of a single vehicle collision on the unclassified road between Chilla and Chilla Chapel Cross, near Halwill Junction in the Beaworthy area of North Devon. A tractor towing an un-laden trailer had mounted a verge to its nearside and its nearside wheels had dropped into a drainage gulley between the verge and the hedge. The tractor had been travelling towards Chilla from the direction of Halwill Junction. The driver was...

Coral reefs' collapse isn't inevitable, University of Exeter researchers say

Coral reefs are in decline, but their collapse can still be avoided with local and global action. That's according to findings reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on 9 May based on an analysis that combines the latest science on reef dynamics with the latest climate models.

"People benefit by reefs having a complex structure - a little like a Manhattan skyline but underwater," said Peter Mumby of The University of Queensland and University of Exeter. "Structurally-complex reefs provide nooks and crannies for thousands of species and provide the habitat needed to...

Young people help in hunt for Devon’s next Bishop

Young people from churches across Devon will have the chance to say what they want the county’s next bishop to be like, in an event organised by the Diocese of Exeter. Young people will be able to record their views and thoughts on what makes for a good bishop in video diary rooms set up especially for the day. The following month, two young people will get the chance to present their ideas to the Prime Minister and Archbishop’s appointments secretaries, as part of the formal consultation process before a new bishop is appointed. The current Bishop of Exeter, Rt Revd Michael Langrish, is...

CBI publishes new economic forecast

The UK economy will continue to grow throughout this year, with GDP growth expected to pick up in 2014, according to the CBI’s latest economic forecast published today. But while recent economic data have been more promising, clear challenges remain both at home and abroad, the UK’s leading business group warned.

The CBI is forecasting GDP growth of 1% in 2013, unchanged from its previous forecast after official first quarter figures came in line with its expectations. Quarter-on-quarter growth is expected to gather pace gradually. The CBI is forecasting growth of 0.3% in the...

Ashfords staff beat the Monday blues by working out ... after work

Employees at Ashfords solicitors in Exeter have turned their car park into a makeshift gym in a bid to keep fit.

The firm has recruited personal trainer Trisha Brown to help staff stay in shape. Classes on offer include Kettlercise, a routine that uses light weights that resemble bowling balls, and Boxercise, a fitness class incorporating boxing moves and techniques.

Trisha, who runs a company called Exmoor Fitness, said: “I am dedicated to supporting others to achieve their fitness and personal goals.

“There is something special about committing to exercise with a...

Call for more foster carers to improve stability for children in care

Children are being moved too many times between foster families because of the need for more foster carers across the UK, the Fostering Network is warning today with the publication of new survey results. The survey found that in the last two years three in five foster carers (61 per cent) have cared for children who have previously had two or more moves between homes. Two in five (43 per cent) have looked after at least one child who has been moved four or more times, while one in ten (11 per cent) have cared for children who have had ten or more moves before coming to live with them....

Climbing mountains for Hospiscare

A group of friends from Exeter will embark on a cycle ride at the end of May that will cover over 1,000 miles between two famous landmarks while raising money for a local charity.

Andy Rowe, Brian Moore, Keith Chapman, Anthony Towl and Jamie Howard will complete the 11-day Paris to Rome ride in a bid to raise £4,000 for Hospiscare.

The friends will begin on Sunday 26 May at the Eiffel Tower in Paris and finish on 5 June at the Coliseum in Rome.

The route will include 100,000 feet of climbing taking in the famous Tour de France mountains, Galibier and Izoard....
