Allow extra time to get to Exeter Airport
Passengers travelling from Exeter Airport are advised to allow extra time to get to the airport due to roadworks.
Work to upgrade the access road between the A30 and the airport has started and passengers are advised to allow an extra 20 minutes when travelling to the airport during widening work until March.
The narrow width of the B3184 road causes traffic congestion, particularly for larger vehicles and HGVs but the £1.4 million scheme, which is due be finished by spring 2015, will increase the width of the B3184, will improve traffic visibility and increase safety for road users.
The access junction to the airport will also be upgraded and will enable the road to cope with any increase in vehicles.
Matt Roach, Exeter Airport’s Managing Director, said: “We very much welcome this improvement to the main route serving the airport. While we already enjoy excellent dual carriageway connectivity to the A30 junction, this last section of road to the airport has long been in need of improvement and is not befitting of an approach to an international airport.
"This scheme of work will result in a wider, higher quality approach road and will give our passengers a real sense of arrival at what is the gateway to the South West peninsula.”
Two way traffic lights will be in operation during the first phase of the project until mid-October, and this will then be followed by the use of three-way lights. Overnight road closures will be required at some stage during the scheme but these are yet to be scheduled.
The scheme is being funded by the Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) Regional Growth Fund.