University scoops awards at successful Biennial Conference
Two awards crowned an excellent week as the University of Exeter hosted the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services' (AGCAS) biennial conference.
The University scooped the top award for Careers Service and Employer Partnership, in recognition for its work with Exeter City Football Club. Students have been working with the club on a range of projects, from analysing the psychology of fans and exploring how to introduce e-ticketing, to drainage improvements on the training pitch and conditioning programmes for the youth team.
Exeter also took the Entrepreneurship Award in recognition of its work with the Students’ Guild, Innovation Centre and Colleges through the “Think it, Try it, Do it” programme of events. These are designed to inspire students to consider starting a business venture, to teach them the relevant skillsets and knowledge, and to provide a safe environment in which to experiment with ideas.
The three-day AGCAS Conference is the premier event in the Higher Education careers calendar, and was being hosted by Exeter for the first time. Over 500 delegates from as far away as Cape Town, Sydney, and Singapore attended, along with delegates from industry leaders such as Price Waterhouse Coopers, John Lewis Partnership, and IBM.
Paul Blackmore, Head of Employability and Graduate Development, said: “It was a great privilege for us to host the AGCAS Biennial Conference here at Exeter as this is the premier world event for University careers practitioners and employer liaison officers.
The draw that Exeter now has as a University of choice for career-minded students and employers means that the event was the most successful yet and sold out the 600 places available. With over 30 countries represented it is a great showcase for the University, city and the work of colleagues involved in helping to make our students amongst the most employable in the Higher Education sector.”