“Cheaper than therapy and more fun” - Forever Young
People don’t often talk about the downside of singing. A few years ago Chris Rowbury wrote something about it in his blog - http://blog.chrisrowbury.com/2011/04/why-singing-is-bad-for-you-and-7.html
We know about the health and social benefits but, apart from Chris, few mention the problems.
Singing can become addictive — once you start it’s very hard to stop. It’s such an enjoyable activity that you will start noticing it everywhere and begin to take every opportunity you can to sing and even whistle (space limitations prevent a detailed description of the negative aspects of whistling).
Singing takes up valuable time — you start by joining a group, you then meet other like-minded individuals who invite to share other activities and before you know it you’re having to buy a better TV system to record all your favourite programmes that you’re missing because your never in.
You will abandon your friends and family — as you’ll be listening to more music via new technology that you don’t have a clue how to access let alone download so you have to go to an evening class to learn how to use iTunes and torrents and an App that you could use on that laptop you were given last Christmas but haven’t used because it didn’t have a mouse and you quite like mice.
You will become unbearable to live with — singing makes you so happy that you will wear a constant smile and be humming along all day long in a state of bliss, much to the annoyance of everyone you live with.
Your health will be affected — Sore throats, (from singing and talking too much); bad back, (from standing too long); aching ribs, (from laughing too much), aching face (from smiling too much) and breathlessness (from singing, talking and laughing too much all at the same time) will only occur if singing to excess.
Singing stops you sleeping — after a session you will be so buoyed up with enthusiasm and joy that you will find it hard to come down off Cloud 9. Not only that, but you’ll have all those wonderful tunes bouncing around inside your head that you’ll want to find more and different songs on YouTube (assuming you’ve already been to the IT evening class).
You will spend more money — (did I mention the new TV system, IT classes, social events with your new singing chums?).
Is there any help available in Exeter?
“Cheaper than therapy and more fun” — is a comment from one satisfied community singer following a Forever Young Sing for Fun session. There are many opportunities to sing in Exeter with different groups. It may be worth finding out about the Monday sessions, from 7-9pm at St Sidwell’s School, where it is said that community singing for fun doesn’t get much better than this. Can a community singing group survive if it does not depend on a leader, is not a choir and does not rehearse, nor give public performances or have auditions or have any expectations that you can read music and lets you choose the songs? If, it’s proof you require and need more evidence then come along and listen to - nay, join in – with the other like-minded adults who have regularly gathered, since 2007, on a Monday in a darkened room with the words projected large on the wall and sing to some of the best backing tracks.
If any of the above issues cause you concern then maybe singing for fun is not for you.
Should a glimmer of interest be uncovered then discover more on a Monday evening and visit the website http://singforfun.yolasite.com/
and email: for.everyoung@hotmail.co.uk