The 10 Most Controversial Characters in the World Right Now
Whenever we think of controversy, we can be sure that certain celebrities will rarely disappoint. But is it just celebrities who deliver on this front? Well, a few of them will certainly figure here but prepare to learn about a few lesser known figures who certainly don’t disappoint in the controversy stakes.
1 – Lady Gaga
This wacky American singer tops the poll for the most controversial red carpet moment of all time when she wore a dress made from meat at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards. Aside from her consistently daring outfits, she seems to attract controversy wherever she goes due to her support of gay rights, supposed indecent shows and religious lyrics which have resulted in threats being made and shows being cancelled for her own safety. This lady certainly doesn’t do things by half measures.
2 – Anatoly Pakhomov
Certainly a lesser known name compared to Gaga but let us introduce you to the rather ignorant, one might say bigoted, mayor of Sochi, host of the Winter Olympics this year. When asked about gays by a Panorama journalist, he simply replied that they don’t have any in the city, stating that everything will be OK if gays visit the city as long as they ‘respect Russian law’ and ‘don’t impose their habits on others.’ Sure to be firmly placed in the spotlight when the Games actually get under way, you can watch this space for further ignorant, if somewhat naive comments, from this silly man.
3 – Miley Cyrus
Controversy is this little madam’s middle name. Forget the days when she was best known as Disney’s pure and innocent singing sensation Hannah Montana. Those are long gone. This 21 one year-old is now best known for her raunchy, sexualised performances which always attract attention. How can we forget her sexually charged twerking antics on stage in her duet with Robin Thicke at the MTV Video Music Awards in August of last year? Sex sells. Here’s a lady who’s exploited this to the max.
4 – President Assad
From a twerking American teenager to the Syrian President who US Secretary of State John Kerry recently described as a ‘one-man super-magnet for terrorism.’ This controversial character is seen my many as a major enemy of the West who is currently locked in a civil war with opposition forces who have had enough of his tyranny. Add to this the fact that he used poisonous gas on his own people, killing fourteen hundred of them, including hundreds of children who simply choked to death as the gas seeped into their homes. Not a nice man.
5 – David Icke
If ever there was a conspiracy theorist, then look no further than Mr Icke, a former professional footballer and sports presenter. Apart from claiming to be the Son of God on a chat show in the early nineties, he aims to provide explanations of what makes our world tick. Often ridiculed, attracting controversy wherever he ventures and consigned to the loony bin by some, he has, however, made accurate predictions about financial crashes and natural disasters. He even made the right call that Jimmy Saville was a predatory paedophile well before it was publicised. He will remain the object of mickey taking for many, but one cannot deny the astuteness of several of his predictions.
6 – Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The sixth President of Iran has been vilified as a Holocaust denier, backer of Iraqi insurgents and a firm supporter of terrorism. Not a god start if one just wishes to blend into world politics, relatively unnoticed. Of course, this is not the aim of this controversial leader who recently, during a speech at an American university, stated that ‘In Iran we don’t have homosexuals like in your country.’ Although not his intention, this caused a ripple of laughter around the room from those amazed by his ignorance. Many also believe that he has an unwavering desire to build a nuclear bomb. A scary piece of kit in the hands in this man.
7 – Justin Bieber
The word ‘brat’ immediately springs to mind when the Bieber is mentioned as it has been reported that he blows a cool one million dollars per month on his lavish lifestyle. Recently charged for assaulting a limousine driver and drag-racing his yellow Lamborghini whilst under the influence of drugs, he has been in the news for all the wrong reasons recently. He also kept fans waiting for two hours at the first of his four sold-out shows at the O2 Arena last year, not even bothering to offer an apology or explanation as to why. An arrogant, self-centred, egotistical little boy, one might say. I’m sure millions of Beliebers would disagree though.
8 – Russell Brand
Probably best known for his comedy routines, acting and short-lived marriage to American singer Katie Perry, Brand is making waves of a different kind these days and generating a good deal of controversy as he goes. His interview with Paxman on Newsnight in October of last year has had over 10 million YouTube views to date. Many argue that he got the better of this hard-nosed interviewer in arguing that current political systems are not working, but are just creating larger gaps between the rich and poor, destroying the planet and only serving big businesses and those who are the most powerful in society. Powerful stuff from a man who is probably better known for having sex with lots of women.
9 – Alex Jones
Just like our English conspiracy theorist David Icke, America has its very own in Alex Jones – a broadcaster, filmmaker and investigative journalist. Forget the widely accepted theory that Al Qaeda were responsible for the 9/11 atrocities – Jones insists that it was the American government itself who organized the attack on its own people to spread fear across the nation in order to extend its web of control over its citizens. He’s very much anti-government and a ferocious opponent of large corporations and the all-powerful banking systems. He’s certainly not afraid to speak his mind and controversy is his bread and butter.
10 – Kim Jong-un
Warning: do not mess with this guy. He may look like butter wouldn’t melt with his chubby baby face but nothing could be further from the truth as rumours abound that he had his own uncle executed for crossing him by feeding him to a cage packed with starving dogs. Pretty brutal by anyone’s standards. The rather unhinged leader of the ultra secretive state of North Korea doesn’t stop there though. He has, on more than one occasion threatened South Korea and the US with nuclear catastrophe if they show an ounce of aggression towards his country. It doesn’t get more controversial than threatening world destruction.
* Courtesy of www.uncoverdiscover.com