5 Tips For Bar Scene Success
Did you spent Valentine's on your lonesome? Maybe these tips for bar scene success will help for next year..
#1 – First Impressions Last a Long Time
When you’re in a social setting such as a bar – you are in a setting where you are under more scrutiny because people are checking you out. These days it’s not uncommon to find both sexes noticing you. So, whether you are there for a date or for friendship, make sure you watch your attitude. Engage in positive conversation and never let the “demon rum” take over and lead you into spilling the beans about your last relationship and how much revenge you took on your ex – probably not good.
#2 – Flying Solo: What To Do When Your “Wing Man” is Absent
Females are always in a quandary about what to do when they don’t have the added security of the “wing man”. This is a male-coined term that originates in the “military flyer” realm that means – the person watching your “wing” or your back. When this person is not available do this, make sure you are actively doing something at the bar but keep it light. Looking at a catalogue versus school work or real work – this is a happy hour – before dark trick. It encourages conversation, you aren’t just sitting there but you are also open for the “flyby” approach.
#3 – Go One Step Further Than Window Shopping – Making a Move
This one is for men and women. We didn’t want to leave anyone out since both sexes are equally inclined to approach. Once you have noticed someone and they have noticed you – look at something they are wearing and give a light compliment. Then, touch them as you do that. You don’t need to be overt. Just keep it to a compliment on the tie he is wearing and touch only above the belt and on the arm if possible. Retract it immediately and continue the conversation if they are returning the communication positively. Do not throw yourself at them – it’s a bar, and you may give the wrong impression.
#4 – Show Respect With Eye Contact
This is an especially good tip for women. It is a fact that men like to feel more respected even more than loved. So, when he is talking to you -maintain respectful eye contact. Don’t leer at him though – it’s creepy and screams mental!
#5 – Show The Ultimate Respect & Listen
Engaging in active listening for both sexes is a winner. Face it – people love to talk about themselves. Act genuinely interested and you have a better chance of going really far!
Courtesy of http://www.uncoverdiscover.com