6 Ways You Know Your Relationship is Over

Caitlin Clark
Authored by Caitlin Clark
Posted Saturday, May 24, 2014 - 6:39pm

#1 – You Want Different Things

Everybody wants different things out of life. A lot of relationships come to a natural end when two people realise they are at a crossroads – and moving in totally separate directions. Is your partner about to leave for a job or university course hundreds of miles away? Do they want children when you don’t? The pain comes when you try to pretend the crossroads isn’t there. Sometimes you have to make a hard decision about your relationship. People grow apart, and that’s okay.

#2 – You Don’t Talk

Communication is the foundation of a successful relationship. Did you talk all the time when you first got together, but now you just have nothing to say? Perhaps the amount of time you spend texting and calling each other has dropped so much it seems like you barely use your phone. Silence is a bad sign for a relationship. If you go too long without discussing anything – good or bad – then problems will start to appear and go unresolved, resentment will build, and things will get sour.

#3 You Fight All the Time

Maybe you don’t talk much but when you do, it’s not pretty. Arguments over trivial things are usually a sign that there are deeper issues. When you start screaming at each other over who moved the car keys, or whose turn it is to wash the dishes, you have a major problem. When you fight about a small thing, what you’re really doing is trying to express your unhappiness about a big thing. If all you do is fight, why are you still in the relationship?

#4 – It’s Been Way Too Long Since You’ve Had Sex

Some people have low sex drives, and that’s fine. There are couples who can go for weeks – even months – without having sex and feel perfectly happy. But if your sex life has gone from heated to frosty, it’s time to re-examine your relationship. Do you no longer find each other attractive, or have you both simply stopped making an effort? Sex isn’t everything in a partnership, but if it’s important to you then it’s time to take action when it disappears.

#5 – The Fun is Gone

So maybe you don’t fight. And you have sex once a week or so, and things are going smoothly enough. But when’s the last time you laughed together? Sure, not everyone can afford regular “date nights”, but are you spending time enjoying each other’s company or just sitting next to each other on the couch in silence? When you stop having fun and start just trudging along side by side, it’s a bad sign.

#6 – Abuse

Whether it’s physical or emotional, abuse is the biggest reason to get out. Does your partner make you feel bad about yourself? Are you scared of upsetting them? Do you feel worthless, or as if you couldn’t survive without them? Do they hit or threaten you? If the answer to any of these things is yes, then you could be in an abusive relationship. Seek help and get out, because you deserve much better.

Courtesy of http://www.uncoverdiscover.com

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