A 7 step Guide to creating Your Ideal Life Balance
Especially for Fellow Mums working, in business or Fulltime Mummys looking to go back to work. I am not going to keep this from you as I want you all to know that what I am telling you I speak from experience and I want to share with you my tips and techniques that helped me dramatically to get my ideal balance when my business took over my life a couple of years ago.
I am not afraid to tell you that two years ago I thought I was running a successful business and nothing else should matter. I thought as long as I did the VAT returns, logged the accounts, looked after my daughter, did the housework that was it! How wrong was I - I am not sure if I was wrong or I just went with it because it was easier and I wasn't important. Yep you got it I thought I had to be doing the things I was doing because I had too, what I wanted and remember this is only my thinking, didn't matter. In the end I burnt myself into the ground and the business I thought was successful wasn't and I nearly lost it all.
So let me share with you how I dramatically turned things around for the better.......ps I have a secret to tell you at the end too :)
Step 1 - STOP!!!!!!!!!! BREATHE and MENTALLY STEP AWAY FROM THE CHAOS AROUND YOU... Done it? Good now you're ready to take the next step...
Step 2 - Write down the key areas of your life that are important to you, YES to YOU. Score between 1 - 10 with 10 being the most satisfied you are in each area... E.g FAMILY, CAREER, MONEY, HEALTH, FRIENDS/FAMILY, ROMANCE, PERSONAL GROWTH AND LEARNING AND FUN LEISURE & RECREATION. You can use these or add your own, but it's important you use what is important to you. This exercise is based on the wheel of life exercise - if you would like a copy to complete this on please email me lucy@virtuelifecoaching.co.uk - it's a brilliant visual aid to do an audit on your life. How are your scores looking? They can't be any worse than mine was... I was between 0-3 for most of them. That's when it dawned on me my life was sure out of balance. Let's get these scores up for you on to the next steps...
Step 3 - Create goals... How many of you have goals? How many of you achieve the goals you set? Goals are great things to have for you to achieve the things you want in life. If you want a copy of my quick guide on how to set goals and achieve them please email me lucy@virtuelifecoaching.co.uk where I will forward you a copy.
Step 4 - Do something for yourself and Recharge... Because when we are running out of steam and burning ourselves out we then become stressed, tired and can't keep on top of things. Recharge yourself and achieve a whole lot more!! This could be a pamper, bath's, going out with friends, chilling out in front of a movie with a glass of vino, taking some time out to read a book or do something for you such as a hobbie, interest or exercise.
Step 5 - Design your own life and write your own script of life... Too often we all think on what we have to do and what we are meant to be doing - I still haven't found out who wrote those rules that we often think we have to follow. Who says we have to? This is your life, your dreams, make your own rules up. After all, we are all different with different aspirations and goals, so why do we think we have to follow the same script!
Step 6 - Scheldule time in to do the things that are important to you. I created a weekly plan and colour coded each area of my life that was hugely important to me. I also created a picture board with pictures of my friends, family, partner, diploma, and everything else I wanted in my life and I pinned both my weekly plan and my picture in the kitchen where I saw it every day. I also book things in the diary even if the girlie night is six weeks away. If it's in the diary and it will happen.
Step 7 - Get ready to make those changes in your life - it's going to be great!! Tell everyone around you because this will affect them - one night Daddy will have to put the children to bed, or take them to the Park one day or even visit the sink and do the washing up. Let me tell you something as well what I have found out through all of this - all you have to do is ask your other half to do something! I know, I thought the same - why doesn't he offer, but I found out that all you have to do is ask! After all, they just get on with doing things for themselves so they think we would do the same. So just do it!
I hope this has helped you if you sometimes feel your life can get a bit wobbly and out of balance. Before I sign off I told you I had a secret, well let me share it with you. I told you this was a 7 step guide well I lied, let me reveal my secret, I have a gift for you. An extra step - and I want you all to do this.....
Step 8 - Don't feel guilty. Instead feel guilty when you are feeling stressed and tired and you are snapping at your children, you've lost control of your business, you and your partner are arguing, even worse arguing in front of your children and the scores you have scored for the things that are important to you are below a 5! Because when our lives are out of balance we feel ourselves tipping over the edge and what is the point of working so hard and running about everywhere if you are going to become ill and stressed, feel resentment and lose the ones that care for you around you because of it. I give you all Permission to do the things that matter the most to you and I ask you to give yourself permission to do the same.
Lots of Happy and Fun Times :) Lucy xx
Lucy Flanagan Professional Coach Soon to be Launching Mumazing Success :)