Chocolate: Treat or Great Marketing Tool?
Being at the very well attended and totally indulgent Venus Awards Nomination Launch Event this week, hosted by Tara Howard, Founder, and Celia Delaney, Speaking Success, created to recognise Local Business Women, we were spoilt for choice – massage, mini cup cakes or Choccie Bar? Although we strenuously resisted it, we were drawn to the free samples of delightful handmade chocolates courtesy of chocolatier Katie Jones and her company Choccie Bar. With beautiful hand crafted chocolate stirrers, heart-shaped lollipops and stunningly decorated Easter eggs, it got us thinking – How many tons of chocolate do we eat in a year?
Well, apparently we eat an estimated 660,900 tonnes of chocolate a year, an average of 11kg per person. As at 2008 the UK chocolate industry was worth £3.6 billion (Source: Speciality Food 2008) with an estimated 17% increase in sales projected over five years, which by our calculations makes the industry now worth a cool £4.2billion. A new chocolate treat was launched almost every hour of every day in 2008 (Source: Mintel Global New Products Database Feb 2009) to keep up with our extraordinary demand for this wonderful confectionery.
A number of surveys tell us why chocolate (in moderation) is so good for us (we all knew this instinctively right?) Chocolate contains a multitude of vitamins, minerals (calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium); chocolate also contains dopamine which is a natural pain killer and serotonin which produces feelings of pleasure. Even the smell of chocolate causes relaxation because it significantly reduces theta activity in the brain which is associated with relaxation (Source: International Journal of Psychophysiology 1998). So it is no surprise that the use of chocolate as a persuasive marketing tool is so effective.
Chocolate is a way into most people’s hearts, especially women! Whether it’s branded chocolate giveaways used to make your company profile higher or chocolate ‘check-in’ fixes attached to social media campaigns, the persuasive power of chocolate is more popular today than it has even been. At The Plum Consultancy we have found that a well considered gift of chocolate makes a real difference to how people relate to us and always brings a smile to our clients’ faces. Clients look forward to our visits and we leave a lasting impression.
For further information about branding yourself and making a pleasant and lasting impression with your customers, speak to us here at The Plum Consultancy - Now then where’s that chocolate stirrer gone… Happy Easter everyone!