Exploring the Accuracy of Tarot Readings and Predictions

Simon Wells
Authored by Simon Wells
Posted Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 11:00pm

Just like centuries ago, tarot cards are still part of our gadgetized lives. However, people are not so interested in peeping into the future. Instead, they choose cards as their personal helpers in hectic and busy routine, where love, career, and personal growth are just some of the aspects that make people worry (well, just like centuries before). But how accurate are tarot readings? Can they truly predict something? In this quick guide below, we will help you explore the accuracy of séances and predictions, and see how you can make them more effective.

#1 Make Sure You Know What Tarot Is About

In other words, you have to know the nature of cards. First of all, it is not a science. Online tarot reading services like Tarot Atlas offering sessions powered by experienced readers are some sort of tools that are used for introspection, guidance, and intuition. When it comes to the accuracy of the process, you have to keep in mind that it depends on a range of factors. The latter include your skills as a reader, how clear your question is, as well as how open you are to what the cards have to say. We recommend that you keep in mind that rather than delivering exact predictions, the deck usually sheds light on the potential challenges, options, paths, decisions, and so on.

#2 Get to Know More on the Tarot Reader’s Role

Typically, the tarot reading séance includes either two people (the reader and the querent) and one person (the reader, who is the querent at the same time). A skilled tarot reader interprets the cards using such tools as intuition, experiaence, interests, and knowledge of symbolism. It is important to stress here that a committed and experienced reader is not someone who says they can predict the future with certainty. Instead, such a person provides a range of perspectives on different possibilities based on this or that card that they pull. If you’re going to choose a tarot reader, we recommend selecting someone who is transparent, ethical, and absolutely professional about their approach.

#3 Personal Intuition and Interpretation Are at the Core of the Process

You’re not going to be surprised if we say that tarot readings are subjective, right? After all, it’s your personal intuition, situations, and circumstances that play a crucial part in how you understand the messages conveyed by the spirits. The same card might have different meanings based on your current situation and the question that you approach spirits with. Plus, the cards surrounding it also matter. If you feel like the card’s messages resonate with you, chances are it’s because they are the same as your subconscious thoughts and emotions.

#4 Accuracy or Interpretation?

When it comes to the accuracy in the tarot séance, you should keep in mind that it is not about predicting particular events with absolute precision. Instead, it’s about how well the process actually reflects your mindset, energy, and potential results. In other words, an accurate reading session is the one that is relevant to your situation and feels meaningful. It is more valuable than the séance that claims to predict your tomorrow.

#5 Track Your Séances Over Time

One of the time-tested ways to explore accuracy in tarot is through documenting all of your reading séances. Thus, you can get back to your notes later anytime. We recommend getting a journal to write down all the cards you pull, interpretations that come to your mind, and all the events that unfold. As time goes by, you may notice specific patterns, insights, and other themes that tend to recur. Thus, you’ll be able to see how well tarot practices align with your life experiences.

#6 Consider ALL the Factors

After all, life is dynamic. In other words, you never know what external influences might kick in at some point. Using a tarot reading session, you can finally see a likely path based on your current choices and actions. However, new opportunities, free will, and unexpected events can change things and the path that you might choose. For that reason, cards shouldn’t be used as a prediction but rather a guidance.

#7 Stay Away from the Most Common Misconceptions

Before you start shuffling the deck, make sure you know the basic no’s about the tarot readings. First of all, tarot is not about fortune telling. Do not even expect to see a fixed future. Instead, use cards to get closer to the insights into potential paths, challenges, decisions, etc. Second, cards do not have power to control your destiny. It’s only you and your decisions and actions that are going to ultimately shape your reality. Finally, a negative card doesn’t mean something bad. No need to freak out when you see cards like Death or the Tower. They can tell you about the upcoming transformation and growth rather than…death.

#8 Energy and Intuition Come to the Scene

During the reading séance, your energy also comes into the game. It involves everything, from your emotions and thoughts to intentions, that can shape the messages that spirits hit you with. At the same time, your intuition plays an important part in the sacred process. The more you trust your intuition (and let it do its job), the more accurate and meaningful your readings may be.

#9 How About Ethics?

Ethical considerations should be at the very core of every other reading session you perform. Stay away from talking about things like legal matters, health, or situations of life and death. Well, you might mention those aspects too. However, never make absolute predictions. Instead, think critically and guide your querents to do the same. If you’re on the lookout for a professional tarot practitioner, pick someone who respects ethical boundaries.  

Exploring the accuracy of tarot includes you getting a better idea of the purpose of the reading session, tracking their relevance regularly, and recognizing that they’re your guide rather than an absolute truth. Whatever reason stands behind your séance, keep in mind that it’s only you who has the power to shape your future.  


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