Search for former Girl Guide captain and gymnastics teacher
Hello Exeter, I am making my final (probably) trip to the UK this June, after emigrating to Canada in 1955.
As I go down memory lane, I would very much like to be able to make a tribute to Jean M. Churchley, my mentor, beloved Guide Captain for five years at Southampton Girls Grammar School, also gymnasics (physical eucation) teacher at the same school.
At 82 years old, our memories often go back to our school days and think of those who had a great influence in our lives.
Jean was straight from college in her first teaching position. She told us this, as first year high school students, on the first day of her class. She was born to lead and we loved and respected her.
At the end of each school year, she would take us on our annual Guide Camp trip, one of the most memorable near Yarmouth on the Isle of Wight.
Thanks to her leadership, we endured a severe night of thunderstorms and heavy rain and woke up to a sunny summer day. The tents were all standing, our clothes were for the most part dry. (I found out later that my cousin's Guide company, at camp near Ryde, was forced to return home. Most of the tents were damaged and leaked, and most of their clothing was wet!)
Jean also assisted in the Girls Crusader Union every Sunday afternoon for an hour of singing and Bible study.
If any of your readers know of this great lady, I would love to hear from you.
Jean would be in her 90's now and I would welcome the opportunity to visit with her, if she is still with us, or her family.
I do know that she married and returned to Exeter, where she was born.
My email address is: ldimmick001@gmail.com if you can help!
Thank you.