The world’s 7 most secret societies
All around the world we have a chance to meet normal, regular people. However, we may never get a chance to figure out that these people actually lead double lives and are part of certain secret societies that are present all across the world. There is no way for you to apply to get into this type of society yourself. The only way the initiation may occur is when some person you know tells you that he has been watching you and that you are invited to join a secret society he is in. In order to raise awareness on the subject of secret societies, we have decided to point out the seven most widespread societies like that.
1 - Freemasons
Known around the world for their exceptional secrecy, the Freemasons created their society in 1717. There are three membership levels in this society, and the person that reaches the third degree is referred to as a Master Mason. It is known that they perform all of their regular meetings in a ritualized fashion, as well as that they refer to God as the “Great Architect of the Universe.” A Mason can recognize another member of their society by certain signs or handshakes.
2 - Skull and Bones
Skull and Bones is a secret Yale University society, previously called the Brotherhood of Death. It is also one of the oldest secret student societies in the US. All meetings include special rituals, and they have been held every Thursday and Sunday since the society was established in 1832. The meetings are held in the building of Skull and Bones, otherwise known as the “Tomb.”
3 - Rosicrucian Order
It is believed that a group of German Protestants were the ones who first had an idea to build a society called the Rosicrucian Order back in the 17th century. However, some of the members of the order have spoken about this, and said that the origin of their society is much more ancient than this. It is also claimed that the Rosicrucian Order had a big impact on Masonry.
4 - Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was created by three men who were all Freemasons prior to the establishment of their own secret society. It is believed that it is a predecessor of the Ordo Templis Orientis society that we will mention later on in the article. The belief system of this society is a large mix of Alchemy, Freemasonry, Hermeticism, Christian mysticism, the religion of Ancient Egypt, Theosophy, and much more. Aleister Crowly is the most famous member of this group who, after a while, decided to build his own society.
5 - The Knights Templar
The Knights Templar is a society that was largely inspired by Masonry. Although they do not have a tie to the original Knights Templar (which was a 12th century religious military group), they still choose to borrow some of their ideas and certain symbols. Only two types of people are allowed to join this society – Christians and Master Masons.
6 - The Illuminati
Probably the most talked about secret society in the world, The Illuminati was founded in 1776. It is a movement of freethinkers in which many influential intellectuals and politicians took part in. The Illuminati is especially popular among atheists, due to the fact that a belief in a supreme being is not required in order to become a member. Some people believe that this society collapsed entirely in the 18th century, while others think that it is still operating today, but that it became even more secretive now. Many also believe that the Illuminati is still managing the main actions of the governments all across the globe, and that they wish to create a One World Government based on atheist principles.
7 – Ordo Templis Orientis
Known as OTO (or Order of the Temples of the East), it is a society that is based on the religious system Thelema. It is a society founded by Aleister “Great Beast” Crowley. The Order of the Temples of the East claims that they currently have over three thousand members worldwide. Their most holy ritual is called the Gnostic Mass and is very unique, as it invokes the ancient Gods of Egypt, as well as the Devil.
Courtesy of http://www.uncoverdiscover.com/