Free programme launched to help Torbay businesses reduce their carbon footprint and save money
A new support programme has been launched to help businesses across Torbay to reduce their carbon emissions and save money on their energy bills.
Local businesses of all sectors and sizes are encouraged to take part in the fully funded programme. Participating businesses will benefit from a bespoke package of support to help them assess their current carbon impact, identify bespoke actions to reduce their impacts and hopefully save money. A decarbonisation plan for making it all happen will also be produced, making it as easy as possible for businesses to implement their ideas.
Participating businesses also have the potential of being awarded grant funding to support their decarbonisation plans and introduce energy saving measures. For example, a business could receive a grant to install energy efficient lighting or part fund a new heat pump.
The Make it Net Zero Torbay programme is being delivered by manufacturing and business development company SWMAS who will be working closely with local businesses to develop their decarbonisation plans as they work towards a net zero future.
The project has received £273,760 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). In total, Torbay has received £1,764,043 from UKSPF to invest in local projects over three years with the aims of building pride in place, increasing life chances and supporting local business, people and skills.
TDA is managing Torbay’s UKSPF Investment Plan on behalf of Torbay Council, overseeing procurement, allocating funding, and managing the contracts of those organisations delivering the projects. This programme is a vital part of Torbay’s wider plans to help us all take action and reduce our carbon emissions. A range of other initiatives and support are available locally. For more information visit the climate change pages of the Council’s website.
Councillor Chris Lewis, Cabinet Member for Place Services and Economic Growth for Torbay Council, said: ‘‘We are delighted to offer this fantastic new initiative to local businesses using Torbay’s allocation of UK Shared Prosperity Funding. This programme will not only help businesses to cut their carbon emissions but will also help them to lower their energy costs through increased efficiency and energy management. I strongly encourage companies from across the Bay to get involved.’’
To take part in the programme, businesses can register their interest online at www.investintorbay.com/makeitnetzerotorbay Businesses can also sign up at the Riviera Connect Expo in Torquay on 3 October where SWMAS will be exhibiting, speaking and sharing more about the programme.
For more information on Torbay’s Shared Prosperity Fund programme visit investintorbay.com/ukspf or email Torbayukspf@tda.uk.net.