Call for Exeter firms to go international
A business that connects trainees from around the world with companies in Devon is expanding its work in Exeter.
The Training Partnership puts together companies with high-calibre trainees looking to improve their business skills, providing short term work placements that benefit both. Placements are supernumerary and funded through EU schemes such as Erasmus+ and PONS.
Several Exeter-based organisations are already signed up, including the blur Group, Exeter City Council and MOTO.
Now the Training Partnership, based at the Torbay Innovation Centre, is encouraging other Exeter firms to work with trainees - many of them graduates with good language and business skills.
Ian Smith, The Training Partnership Work Placement Manager, said: “It’s a win-win for Exeter companies. If you need additional support for a particular project, or want to do market research, explore social media options or need foreign language skills, then we can help. We work with around 1,000 trainees every year on temporary placements that range from two weeks to six months.
“It’s a fantastic experience for people and companies to benefit from having extra support and a new member of the team from a different culture, working with them. We find that the more the company has a clear plan or defined project for trainees, the more they gain as a business. It’s also fun – there’s often a social aspect that employees embrace. We’ve had trainees organise wonderful Spanish lunches for colleagues and some great friendships are made.”
Nitin Moorjani, HR and Talent Executive at blur, commented: “We are committed to providing opportunities for young people across the different areas of the business. The calibre of trainees which TTPL have provided us with have always been outstanding, they all are committed to performing at their best and adding value, which is also thanks to the ongoing support and training given by our team at blur.”
Maureen Gori de Murden, Senior Economy & Tourism Officer, Exeter City Council said: “From day one, all our work placements are treated as a real employee. All of the trainees that TTPL have provided us with come highly motivated and are a valuable contribution to the team at Exeter City Council. We choose projects carefully to ensure that they have the right skill set to perform the task in hand. During their time with us, they are able to develop commercial awareness and we see their confidence grow day by day."
The Training Partnership also offers overseas placements to UK trainees and graduates that include Teaching in Italy, Hospitality in France and Agriculture in USA.
The Training Partnership team will be attending a range of events in Exeter in the coming weeks to talk to companies about work placements.
To find out more contact The Training Partnership on 01803 321210 or email info@ttpl-uk.com