Teignmouth's £2.5m enterprise units set to open for business
A new high quality business estate with units for lease is ready to open in Teignmouth.
The newly named Estuary Court in Broadmeadow Industrial Estate, marks its practical completion date on Friday March 20 and is a significant step forward in Teignbridge District Council’s long-term regeneration and restoration programme for this part of Teignmouth.
Estuary Court has 14 units in three different buildings that can be used for light industrial use, trade counters and office space. Built to high environmentally-friendly standards, each unit can be tailor-made to the needs and requirements of each tenant.
Six different businesses, ranging from furniture importers to an architectural ironmonger, are getting ready to move in and other units are now available to rent. Eight new jobs have been created and established jobs remain in the district.
In May 2009 Teignbridge developed a regeneration plan to secure a major new employer and investment for Broadmeadow and for Teignmouth. The vision sought to include a new supermarket, employment units, create new jobs, restore redundant playing fields and improve road, pedestrian and cycle links.
Morrisons was named as Teignbridge's preferred partner in December 2010 and open its store there is 2013. The deal meant funds could be ploughed back into the council’s capital budget for major new projects across the district.
Teignbridge invested £2.5million in the Estuary Court, just one of a number of projects that the town has benefited from over the years.
Teignbridge District Council’s Leader Cllr Jeremy Christophers, the executive portfolio holder for economy, strategic direction and media and PR, said: “Practical completion date marks the start of a new and exciting chapter for business in Teignbridge and the culmination of many years hard work by this Council.
“Broadmeadow has undergone a radical transformation from unused and contaminated land to an important hub for the local community where people can shop, work and play. This council has supported that vision for more than a decade and we are delighted to see this element brought to fruition.
“This location is ideal for small and medium sized businesses looking to grow and flourish into the future. The business units provide a great opportunity to further the regeneration of the area and to boost the local economy."
Cllr David Cox, Teignbridge District Council’s ward member for West Teignmouth, said: "This is great news for the continuing prosperity of Teignmouth and Teignbridge as a whole. It's also a huge boost for small and medium businesses - the engine of our economy."
Construction work started in May 2014 and was carried out by SWH Build following a competitive tendering process.
Richard Towl, SWH Build's Build Manager, said: “SWH Build is pleased to have been employed to design and build this new facility, being an important part of the regeneration of the area. Teignbridge District Council’s commitment to local investment has now provided an opportunity for new or expanding businesses to move into these new premises.
“As a local business, SWH Build worked with a local supply chain to deliver the project, which has therefore maximised the early return from the investment back into the community.”
Broadmeadow was once a refuse tip and was then used as sports fields for many years until their closure in 2001. A final element of the overall scheme to remediate the fields and bring them back into use is underway. There are two full fields for rugby and football and a grass training area that will be available to use by all community groups.
Teignbridge has revamped the changing rooms at Broadmeadow Sports Centre, a council-owned leisure centre that those using the playing fields can groups using the playing fields can use.
Drainage work has been completed and the pitches have been seeded and fertilised. Once the pitches have established they will be available for use. This is anticipated to be in the autumn.
To enquire about unit availability please contact Allie Clark, Teignbridge District Council’s Economic Development Officer on 01626 215478.