Don't be a turkey this Christmas
South West Water is calling on its customers to save the drains this Christmas and dispose of cooking fat, oil and grease responsibly.
The company's Head of Wholesale Waste Recovery and Environmental Protection, Guy Doble, said: "At Christmas, the volume of cooking fat entering the sewers increases dramatically.
"When the fat cools, it hardens, clogging pipes. It's not just sewers that suffer, household pipes can get blocked too which may result in hefty repair bills.
"Avoid pain in the drain this festive season by waiting for unwanted cooking fat, oil or grease to cool before putting in a container and putting it in the bin or taking it to a recycling centre."
Did you know:
- An average sized turkey produces around three-quarters of a pint of fat?
- Even small amounts of cooking fat, oil or grease disposed of down the sink can cause blocked pipes?
- If every home in the South West Water service area disposed of three-quarters of a pint of turkey fat down the sink on Christmas day, that would result in a whopping 600,000 pints of fat clogging up sewers across Devon and Cornwall?
Further information on disposing of fat, oil and grease safely is available via http://www.southwestwater.co.uk/sewerflooding