Sign up now to EDDC's new green waste collection service
East Devon residents can now sign up online to a new fortnightly green waste collection service which is being introduced by the district council from Monday May 14.
Our kerbside collection will make it so much easier for East Devon’s green fingered residents to dispose of their green waste, which will be composted in East Devon and used by local farms.
Over the next few days, the district’s 69,000 households will each receive a bin hanger giving more details of the new service which will cost £48 a year, with an introductory offer of a free 240ltr green bin.
East Devon residents have been asking for a reliable service such as this for a while now and many councils across the country successfully operate a chargeable system. The service is not being subsidised by the council tax payer.
The service will be provided for 11 months of the year with a four week break at Christmas and more than 2,000 East Devon residents have already registered an early interest in the service.
Residents can now sign up for the service online at www.eastdevon.gov.uk/green
Cllr Tom Wright, the council’s portfolio holder for the environment, said: “Preparations for our new service are now well advanced. Our first batch of 5,000 green waste bins have arrived and will be ready to be delivered from late April to customers who sign up.
"At £48 a year – around £2 per collection - this is really good value for money and less than the fuel you would spend to drive to a recycling centre. You’ll have no slugs and snails left in your car either and I speak from experience!”