Teignbridge to host free landlord open evening
Teignbridge District Council is holding an open evening for new and experienced landlords.
The event brings experts and information providers together under one roof so local landlords have all the information they need to run tenancies effectively.
It takes place on Thursday May 14 at Old Forde House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot from 5pm-9pm.
The event is open to all Teignbridge landlords whether experienced or new to letting. Those who are considering letting property but are unsure about where to begin are also welcome to attend.
A range of experts will be holding mini seminars covering a variety of topics including an introduction to being a landlord, immigration checks, safeguarding as well as changes in legislation that people may or may not be aware of.
There will be opportunity for landlords to attend up to four of the mini seminars to discuss their particular circumstances with representatives from Peplows Accountants, the Westcountry Landlords Association, Devon Landlords Association, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, Devon and Cornwall Police, the District Valuation Office, alongside Teignbridge District Council’s officers and services including housing, revenue and benefits and landlord liaison, plus more.
There is no need to book, just turn up on the night. It doesn’t cost a penny to attend. Refreshments, sponsored by exhibitors, will be provided.