Jo Pavey opens new Hospiscare day hospice
Olympian Jo Pavey, MBE, officially opened our new £1.2m Kings House Day Hospice in Honiton today.
Jo, who lives locally said: "I am deeply honoured to be asked to open this fantastic building in the town where I was born.
"It’s wonderful that such great care is available to local patients and their families. It’s really inspiring to see all the nurses here in this day hospice.
"Congratulations to everybody, all the staff, volunteers and fundraises from the community for all their hard work. It’s going to be such a benefit.
"I feel immensely proud to be from Honiton, this is such a fantastic facility for local people. Well done!”
She unveiled a plaque at the new centre which opened nine months ago and provides much needed support to terminally ill patients and their families living in East Devon.
Jo looked around the building meeting patients, volunteers, supporters and staff.
She met a very special patient Brian Godfrey, who she is pictured with. He used to farm locally and Jo used to play in his fields; they had a lovely catch up.
Last year Jo, a four time Olympian, won the 10,000m gold medal at the 2014 European Championship in Zürich. When Kings House in February opened so many patients were referred to Kings House that the charity had to expand its services.
Every week 30 patients now attend the centre for day services.
Hospiscare community specialist nurses are also based at Kings House as well as a team of trained volunteers called care navigators who befriend and visit patients in their homes.
Hospiscare day services, previously provided in Seaton, transferred to the new centre.
We are a local charity and raised the money to build the new day hospice from a government grant, our sister charities, grants from charitable trusts and fantastic fundraising support from the local community.