One Voice Media team walks Templer Way raising over £2,500 for charity
On Saturday 23rd June, nine of the One Voice Media team walked the 18-mile Templer Way to raise funds for The Daisy Garland, a charity based in Totnes which operates across the UK and supports families living with drug-resistant epilepsy.
The charity is close to the hearts of the Exeter-based PR and marketing consultancy as Sharon, a member of the team, has a four-year-old daughter with a rare form of drug-resistant epilepsy.
The charity enables families to access the ketogenic diet, a treatment option for children with drug resistant epilepsy based on a very strict, high fat diet which needs to be managed by a specialist dietician.
Sharon Foxwell, associate director at One Voice said: “It was a great day and we’ve been overwhelmed by the generosity of all those who sponsored us along the way.
"The Daisy Garland has made a huge difference to our family and I’m so proud of my colleagues for all the miles they put in to help raise awareness and money for the work they do. It means so much to work in such a supportive team when we are dealing with some very tough challenges at home.”
The team has raised a total of £2,614 for The Daisy Garland to date and completed the 18-mile challenge eight and half hours.