Avoid getting a red card during Euro 16
Devon and Cornwall Police’s latest domestic abuse campaign warns potential offenders of the consequences of letting their emotions get the better of them during the Euro 16 football tournament.
Statistics show that domestic abuse increases during the summer, especially when a large sporting event taking place.
Police ask people to be aware of their behaviour and mood when watching the football. Emotions run high and frustration and competitiveness can cause tempers to flare. Police warn people that they could face a one month ban from seeing their families if they use or threaten violence against their partners.
Victims are reminded that domestic abuse is never ok. Passionate support of any sport does not justify domestic violence.
Domestic abuse does not just happen during sporting events. It can affect anyone and take many forms.
A Devon and Cornwall Police spokesperson said: “We have trained officers who can advise and help domestic abuse victims. We hope this campaign will encourage people to come forward if they are in an abusive relationship. We work very closely with other partner agencies as we know some people don’t always want to approach police in the first instance.
“The important thing is that people recognise abuse and that they can take steps to get out of an abusive situation.”
If you or someone you know is being abused, help is available.
Both police and partner agencies provide advice and support. Information about the help and support available can be found at: www.domesticabusehelp.co.uk. You can also call: the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on: 0808 2000247
In an emergency, always call 999.