Food Glorious Food... and even more on the menu to tempt your palate at Devon County Show 2019
Food lovers all over the county will welcome the news that Devon County Show is to increase its food offering to make it an even more mouth-watering experience for 2019.
Aside from the ever popular Food & Drink Pavilion dedicated to West Country food producers, there will be a new Food Walk at show which will be open to national and international food producers. This will be located on Avenue B, alongside the Taste of the West.
New Devon County Show Manager Sam Mackenzie Green explains: ‘Our Food & Drink Pavilion is one of the biggest attractions at the Show with visitors drawn by the extraordinary quality of produce offered by our West Country exhibitors who are making some of the most exciting, award-winning food and drink in the UK. However, we are aware of an increasing consumer demand for multi-cultural food and food that caters for specialist diets. Our plan is to style the new Walk as a contemporary street food market with a variety of ethnic cuisine available for immediate consumption.
The Devon County Show team are also crafting some new ideas for next year’s Craft Marquee to turn into a nationally renowned centre for Crafting Excellence.
"Crafting is a trade we really want to champion. With the demise of the high street, there is precious little retail opportunity for small businesses dedicated to the art of one-off, hand-made goods. Our show offers crafters a unique opportunity to raise their profile to a primed audience of some 90,000 visitors over the three days. For this reason, we have decided to open up our marquee to crafters from all over the UK. The only criteria are that goods must be hand-made in the UK and genuinely definable as craft work."
Trade stands at Devon County Show are now open for business. Interested crafters and street food traders should get in touch with LisaMoore@dcshow.org.
The Devon County Show takes place in 2019 on the 16th, 17th and 18th May. Further information can be found on the website at www.devoncountyshow.co.uk.