A396 near Cove to open under traffic control
Early morning commuters will be able to use the A396, north of Cove, Tiverton, every day from the end of this week until the completion of road works in May.
The round-the-clock closure of the A396 to enable a new safety barrier to be built, is scheduled to come to an end on Thursday evening, March 24th.
From then until the completion of the works, scheduled for May 14th, 2016, the A396 will be open to traffic under two-way traffic lights, either all day or during the rush hour and evening periods.
From Thursday, March 24th until April 4th 24hour traffic control will be in place on the A396.
In addition to the traffic lights during working hours vehicles will be subject to 10mph convoy control to protect the workforce.
From April 4th to April 9th the road will be open under traffic light control during peak times and overnight, from 3.30pm every day to 9.30am the following morning. Outside these times the road will be closed to traffic.
During this phase the workforce will complete construction of the stone wall lining parts of the road and kerbing.
Then, from April 9th to May 3rd, the two-way traffic light system returns to all day operation.
Finally, for the final phase of the work from May 3rd to May 14th, the road will revert to traffic light control during peak times and overnight only, from 3.30pm to 9.30am the following morning. Again, outside these times, the road will be closed.
The last stage of the work will see the resurfacing of the road.
During periods when the road is closed the diversion route will be signed via the A361 and B3227 and vice versa.
Councillor Stuart Hughes, Devon County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways said: “From the end of this week until the work is completed, the A396 will be open every day to traffic lights either for the whole day or over peak times.
“The improved weather has meant that the work has progressed well over the last week and the contractor continues to work extended hours in an effort to get the work completed.
“At this time it is still intended that the road will be open under traffic signals for the Easter, most likely at the end of the working day on Thursday March 24th.”
Local county councillor for Tiverton West Polly Colthorpe said: “As a result of feedback from the public exhibitions the contractor planned that for the last two phases of the work the road would reopen to traffic lights for all or part of every day until the work is completed.”
A dedicated website has been set up to provide information for the public about the works https://new.devon.gov.uk/roadsandtransport/a396-at-cove