Cathedral platform for theological lecture
A leading academic will speak at Exeter Cathedral next month as part of an ongoing programme of events around learning, theology and Christian discipleship.
Canon Professor Elaine Graham, who holds positions at the University of Chester and Chester Cathedral, will give the Cathedral’s Spring Lecture on the topic “Speaking of God in a world troubled by religion”. Professor Graham’s academic interests include the relationship between beliefs and actions, and whether religious commitment really makes a difference in today’s world.
Speaking ahead of the event, Professor Graham said: “Against many expectations, religion has not vanished from Western culture. If anything, it exercises a greater fascination than ever before. But people are troubled and fascinated in equal measure by this new visibility of faith, not least because those who ‘speak of God in public’ are now in a minority.”
The event is part of a cycle of lectures, talks and workshops organised by the Cathedral which aims to reach out to a range of audiences from those curious about the Christian faith through to those with an interest in academic theology.
Canon Anna Norman-Walker, who coordinates the series for Exeter Cathedral, said: “Cathedrals have always been centres of learning and we recognise the importance of offering opportunities to people who are at different stages. Our termly lecture series provides an opportunity to be stretched academically as we engage with speakers both national and international as they bring their thinking to us on a range of stimulating theological ideas.”
The lecture takes place on 21st February at 19.30 in the Cathedral Chapter House Tickets are free and can be booked at exeter-cathedral.org.uk/boxoffice or by calling 01395 285983 (Monday to Friday during office hours)