Exeter Best Bar None scheme continues to grow
Exeter’s Best Bar None scheme is celebrating great success on its second anniversary. In the last year sixty premises signed up to be members of the programme which promotes responsible management and operation of alcohol licensed premises and aims to make Exeter a safer and more vibrant place for those living, working and visiting the city.
The scheme held an event to mark the two-year anniversary at city centre venue, Rosies, which saw venue managers from across the city attend, to hear from speakers Dominic Borg, Best Bar None Chairman; Mick McDonnell, Best Bar None National Co-ordinator, Rt Hon Ben Bradshaw MP and Superintendent Sam de Reya, Devon and Cornwall Police.
Best Bar None Chairman Dominic Borg, said: “I am delighted to see the scheme go from strength to strength, having sixty premises signed up in the second year is a testament to all of the hard work the BBN and our partners put in. Looking ahead to year 3 we will be concentrating on expanding the scheme to venues outside of the City Centre and we already have venues in Alphington and Topsham scheduled in to be assessed in the next few weeks.”
Exeter’s Best Bar None scheme continues to partner with a range of different organisations across the city, including Exeter Community Safety Partnership, Exeter BID, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Exeter City Council.
After beating off some tough competition the Exeter scheme achieved national recognition, being voted in the Most Innovative Scheme award At the Best Bar None (BBN) National Awards held at the House of Lords at the end of January.
Exeter Business Improvement District (Exeter BID) is a supporter of the scheme. Craig Bulley said: “The Best Bar None scheme is continuing to achieve impressive results and we are pleased to support the group, to ensure it can further build on its success and encourage more city venues to apply for Best Bar None status.”
Cllr Rob Hannaford, Exeter City Council’s Lead on anti-social behaviour, welcomed the growth of the scheme.
“The success of Best Bar None in Exeter is down to everyone who has backed the scheme from day one – the Council and its staff, the police, the Business Improvement District and of course all the businesses that have signed up to it. The fact that the Exeter scheme has been recognised nationally by picking up a top award therefore does not come as a surprise but nevertheless is a nice accolade to have. I look forward to working with Best Bar None Exeter in developing a scheme similar to the ask Angela scheme that has been developed in Lincolnshire, where people feeling unsafe in premises can get help from staff.”
Pictured: Best Bar None celebrates second anniversary. (L-R) Inspector Simon Arliss Exeter Sector Inspector, Dominic Borg Exeter Best Bar None Scheme Chair and General manager of Rosies, Supt Sam de Reya Chair of Exeter Community Safety Partnership, Rt Hon Ben Bradshaw MP, Cllr Rob Hannaford Portfolio Holder for Place, Mick McDonnell National Best Bar None Coordinator, Simon Lane Exeter Community Safety Partnership and Environmental Health and Licensing Manager, Exeter City Council