Exeter BID opens nominations for new board members

Exeter BID
Authored by Exeter BID
Posted Wednesday, February 8, 2017 - 4:27pm

Exeter BID Co is seeking applications from three people following the opening of three positions on its Board of Directors. These positions have become vacant due to business commitments and an office relocation leading to three existing BID Board members having to step-down from their posts.

Nominations are invited from BID levy players within Area 1 (representing Paris Street and Sidwell Street area), Area 3 (High Street North/West and Castle Street) and Area 6 (North Street, South Street, Mary Arches Street and Market Street area) to join the Board.

Craig Bulley, Exeter BID CEO, said “This is an exciting opportunity for three levy-payers to become actively involved in helping the Exeter BID build upon the progress we have made during our first operational year, and help to make a positive impact upon Exeter’s future.”

To qualify you have to represent a business/organisation that is eligible to pay the BID levy from within these Exeter Business Improvement District Areas.

To download the Exeter BID nomination form, log-on to the BID’s website https://www.exeterbid.co.uk/Login/ and select the Forms Section in the Members Area. Nominees are also asked to provide 100 words stating the reason for their application and how they would seek to support the BID’s aims.


The BID Board is responsible for the delivery of projects, ensuring they are of the highest standard. The Board is committed to meeting at least 10 times a year with meetings anticipated to last no more than two hours and held at times carefully planned to maximise attendance and minimise any inconvenience. 

Board members are expected to give their time, experience, passion and expertise to ensure the success of the Exeter BID for free.

Nominations open at 9am on Monday 6th February and close on Friday 17th February 2017 at 5pm. Any nominations received after this time will not be considered. Nominations must be emailed to info@exeterbid.co.uk or sent/hand delivered to: Exeter BID Company, 2nd Floor, St Stephens House, 9 Catherine Street, Exeter, Devon EX1 1EU.

The timeline for the elections is as follows:

  • Monday 6th February: nominations open
  • Friday 17th February: nominations close
  • Tuesday 21st February: if only one nomination has been received for an Area, this person will be appointed to the position and the election process for that Area will end.
  • Friday 24th February: if more than one nomination has been received for an Area, ballot papers will be distributed to eligible levy-paying organisations.
  • Thursday 9th March: voting closes
  • Friday 10th March: votes will be counted and the result announced, including a notice of postal ballot if required.
  • Monday 20th March: the results of the Ballot will be posted on the Exeter BID website
  • Tuesday 21st March: the newly elected Board Members will attend their first Board meeting

For more information please visit: www.exeterbid.co.uk/BID-Board-Nominations/

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