Exeter Chamber of Commerce partners with Devon Chamber of Commerce
Exeter Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Devon Chamber of Commerce are pleased to announce partnership between the two Chambers with plans to work together to increase the services offered to all members as well as building on a stronger voice for business in the county.
Under the new partnership, Exeter Chamber will continue to be the route to Chamber movement in the Greater Exeter area with Devon Chamber providing a county wide service.
Exeter Chamber represents 500 businesses embracing a wide cross-section of industry and commerce in the Greater Exeter Area. The representational role includes regular quarterly meetings with Exeter MP, Ben Bradshaw, as well as meetings with representatives and officers from the City and County Councils.
As the accredited Chamber of Commerce for the County and member of British Chambers of Commerce, Devon Chamber represents over 1100 businesses through direct membership and affiliations with Chambers in market towns including Brixham, Torquay, Newton Abbot, Liskeard, Saltash, Tavistock and Combe Business.
As part of the partnership Devon Chamber will provide enhanced services for businesses seeking help to export and with licensing.
The aim of the partnership and county wide representation for business is to provide a one voice lobbying approach for the region.
Richard Stevens, Chairman of Devon Chamber of Commerce said: “I am delighted that Exeter Chamber of Commerce has taken the decision to become the sole partner Chamber of Devon Chamber of Commerce, building our unified status in the region as a centre for business, industry and growth.”
The two Chambers will work together on an events programme, allowing members of Exeter Chamber to be able to benefit from attending joint networking events with Devon, giving the opportunity to build wider connections, as well as access to further services such as the access to International Trade advice.
David Savill, Chairman of Exeter Chamber of Commerce said: “This partnership between both Chambers can only be a positive for business in Exeter and across the county. We are very much looking forward to being able to offer our members some additional services and member benefits and as always, we will continue to be the strongest voice for business in the city.”
With Exeter Chamber now as a partner, city-wide issues for Exeter will see support from Devon Chamber and where issues affecting Devon as a whole arise, Exeter will support joint campaigns and lobbying where appropriate; this partnership gives rise to many joint opportunities to work together, to further common aims.
Pictured: From left, David Savill - Chairman of Exeter Chamber and Richard Stevens -Chairman of Devon Chamber