Exeter gets dressed for Rugby World Cup
Residents of Exeter are being asked to stand up and stand out as Rugby World Cup 2015 showcases the city to a world audience.
In the lead up to international qualifying matches being played at Sandy Park, members of the public are being encouraged to style the city in celebration of Rugby World Cup 2015 coming to Exeter.
As part of the campaign to dress the city, sewing machines are being dusted off and knitting needles gathered to make a creative and eye-catching mark on Exeter. Using the colours of the flags of the countries playing at Sandy Park, the public are being called on to knit and make bunting to clad the city.
Using the colours white, yellow, red, green and blue, we are asking everyone of any age to have a go at creating a spectacular sight that will be hard to forget! There are absolutely no rules - city residents can let their creativity run free, whether they want to cover a park bench, a tree or even a bin - every piece of material will be used!
Cllr Rosie Denham, Lead Councillor for Economy and Culture said “Exeter will be draped in the colours of Rugby World Cup 2015 throughout August, September and October to welcome Sandy Park ticket holders and all the people visiting the Fanzone in Northernhay Gardens; which will be free to enter. Exeter is the only Host City involving the local community with dressing the city for Rugby World Cup 2015, with handmade bunting and yarn bombing, giving us a truly Exeter and Devon welcome”
For those that need a little guidance, templates for bunting and patterns for knitted miniature T-shirts can be found at ehod.co/RWCbunting or by emailing rugby@exeter.gov.uk at the craft shop Bunyip Buttons and Beads on Fore Street to provide advice to anyone that needs it.
Mattie Richardson who is leading on the bunting and yarn bombing project said: “We are so excited to see the city covered in these wonderful creations, whatever your skill level we urge you to get involved whether it is in the making or dressing the city. This is an opportunity to put Exeter on the map as a sporting venue to be remembered.”