Exeter MP to open new Exeter Bike Workshop

News Desk
Authored by News Desk
Posted Thursday, June 15, 2017 - 2:06pm

Exeter MP, Ben Bradshaw, will officially open a new social enterprise project. 

The innovative business will not only offer high quality refurbished bikes and servicing but also valuable training opportunities to some of the most marginalised members of society.  This is a joint venture between two charities: Julian House and Exeter Community Initiatives (ECI).

The Exeter Bike Workshop will be closely modelled on similar Julian House social enterprises in Bath, Bristol and Trowbridge.  ECI’s Bike Bank, which has been running in the city since 2013, will carry on its work within the expanded business. 

The key beneficiaries will be vulnerable and excluded individuals - mainly with a history of homelessness or long term unemployment.  They will be given the opportunity to gain job skills and specialist training on bike maintenance. 

Donated second-hand bikes are carefully refurbished and sold to the public – along with quality second hand parts and accessories.  There will also be a bike servicing component to the business.  All profits are either reinvested or used to provide other front line services.

The business is located in the former Richard’s Aquatics premises in Market Street.  Over the winter months Julian House provided an emergency hostel there which operated for three months and saw over 140 men and women make use of the facility.  Since the temporary project’s closure staff have worked hard to turn what was in effect an empty shell, into a fully functioning bike work shop.

Esther Passingham is the Julian House Social Enterprise Area Manager.  “Even though we are very experienced at setting up bike workshops every one is different.  The enthusiasm of the staff and contractors has been amazing.  We’ve had numerous enquiries from passers by, wanting to know when they could either buy a bike or donate one.

Our original bike workshop was a very modest affair – a few bikes repaired in the back yard of our offices.   This meant that rainy days were a bit tricky!  Then we moved to a former garage where we had lots of space.  With the massive interest that’s grown in cycling over the past 10 years or so this means that there are lots of perfectly usable machines lurking at the back of garages and garden sheds.  We can give those old machines another life and at the same time provide valuable training opportunities.  Customers ride away with a great bike – proud in the knowledge that they are helping to make a real difference in their community.”

Ben Bradshaw’s support for the project coincides with a nationwide initiative to promote cycling.  As part of this initiative the Exeter Bike Workshop will be giving free bike checks and doing simple repair work on their opening day.

Exeter Bike Workshop’s opening hours will be Monday to Saturday, 9am-5.30pm.

 Bike donations always welcome.  call 01392 432788 or email  info@ebw.org.uk

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