Exeter School pupils fundraise for Bolham Ward at the RD&E

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Monday, October 9, 2017 - 5:04pm

Pupils from Exeter School have supported the purchase of new equipment for Bolham Ward at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital in memory of a former pupil.

Patrick Tilbury, who attended Exeter School from 1979 to 1984, sadly passed away on Bolham Ward in January 2016. His parents Barbara and David Tilbury have since been fundraising to purchase new pieces of equipment to help the neurological ward care for other patients like Patrick.

After being inspired by Patrick’s story, pupils from his former school were keen to help support the Tilbury family’s fundraising efforts and arranged several charity events for Bolham. These included a Sixth Form girls’ charity football match, together with a cake sale organised by Reverend Tom Carson and the Christian Union.  Thanks to their success, the pupils raised £256 for Bolham Ward in total.

Their generous donation has been used to purchase a brand new ketone monitor for the ward, which is used to test for ketones - a chemical produced in the body when, due to a lack of insulin, it is not able to use glucose as its source of energy and starts breaking down fat instead.

Part of their donation will also be put towards the purchase of a special Tilt and Space wheelchair which is used to help patients with head injuries to spend time out of bed to help keep their muscles strong.

Bolham Acting Matron Cynthia Lumbwe said: “We are extremely grateful to the pupils of Exeter School for supporting us with this very generous donation. Their fundraising has helped us to purchase two important pieces of equipment which will make a real difference to our patients an can help save lives, so we’d like to say thank you from all of us on the ward.”

Exeter School Sixth Former Harriet Milner, who also took part in the girls’ football match, said: “I realised having seen the work done by Bolham Ward how our fundraising had helped buy important equipment to help save lives.”

Patrick Tilbury previously attended pre prep at Hylton School before joining Exeter School prep and then Exeter School in 1979.

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