Exeter School Sixth Form Interview Scheme hosted by Ashfords for first time

Exeter School
Authored by Exeter School
Posted Monday, October 23, 2017 - 8:00am

Over 35 professionals from the parent, alumni and friends of Exeter School body conducted almost 200 work style interviews in one day.

Each Upper Sixth pupil participated in two professional interviews which will stand them in good stead for university, work experience or future careers. 

Careers Adviser Ruth Cheesman said: "Whether interviews are for University, work experience or a career it is something that can be daunting to all of us.

"We believe giving our pupils an opportunity to develop their skills in a safe environment is crucial in preparing them for their future."

Feedback from pupils was overwhelmingly positive with important interview techniques learnt and the professionals were unanimously impressed with the already excellent level of experiences our pupils have gained, which will prove invaluable in their careers. 

"Every opportunity to practise interview techniques is worthwhile as it is a skill which needs to be learnt and then developed.  This is a good opportunity for pupils to start this process in a safe environment," said Mrs Cheesman.

"Our thanks to Ashfords LLP for being our host this year."

Exeter School pupils and staff were delighted to count six alumni among the professional interviewers, including Senior Partner at Ashfords LLP, Tim Heal.

Former pupils Thomas Petrilli 1996-2001, Kris Sum 1994 - 2000, Malcolm Pratt 1988 - 1999, Steve Perring 1978 - 1981, Seb Caunter 1995 - 2000, Tim Heal 1976 - 1987 covered a broad range of careers areas including law, business, finance and IT.

Director of Alumni Relations John Davidson said he was delighted so many Exonians gave of their time on a Saturday to help their (old) school with the annual Upper Sixth Form Interview Scheme.

Upper Sixth Former Isaac Tudge said it was an Insightful and surprisingly positive experience that he learnt a great amount from about himself and his field of study, of which you can't obtain from a book or TV.

Upper Sixth Former Bea Brett said: "Despite initially feeling very apprehensive, I found the interview scheme rewarding and helpful. 

"I got useful feedback and tips from the interviewers which has given me confidence in my own ability for future interviews."

Exeter School was delighted to provide parking for its interviewers and donate £200 to The Alzheimer's Society.

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