Exeter Soup is a recipe for innovation
An innovative approach to delivering social enterprise projects through micro-granting (where people invest small amounts of money) is due to be launched in Exeter next month.
ExeterSOUP is an event aimed at promoting community-based development through crowd-funding, creativity, collaboration and fun, and will take place at St Sidwells Community Centre, Exeter, on Wednesday, 17 June, from 6pm-8.30.
Creator and event organiser Gemma Hobson explains: “The idea of the event is for everyone to pay a donation of around £5, which also buys them a soup supper and a drink.
"Then, they listen to different social entrepreneurs give a five-minute pitch each and have the opportunity to ask questions before deciding which one they think has the most merit.
"The winning entrepreneur receives the proceeds of the entrance fees to help them launch their idea.”
The idea comes from a similar project in Detroit, and aims to bring local decision-making, local voices and local food into one arena, with presentations ranging from art, urban agriculture, social justice, social entrepreneurs, education, technology and more.
Said Gemma: “At the event, attendees can eat, talk, share resources, enjoy art and vote on the project they think benefits the city the most.
SoupExeter is seeking volunteers to help on the night, who can carry out a range different roles; and donations of recipe ideas (suitable for around 50 people) and ingredients are also being sought.
Anyone who would like further information or to get involved can email gem@exetersoup.org or contact via Twitter @ExeterSoup.