Explore the wonders of the East Devon countryside at night
The East Devon District Council Countryside team is enjoying a busy summer in the sunshine with holiday-makers and local residents. Countryside events such as Canoe safaris, Fun in the stream and Family explorer days have been fully booked with lots of people enjoying time spent exploring outdoors.
Alongside a jam-packed programme of day-time events to entertain the whole family, the Countryside team are offering events to help people discover the wonders of the countryside at night.
The annual Nightjar walks at Trinity Hill have been more popular than ever, and attendees have been treated to spectacular views of these elusive nocturnal birds.
There are more night-time events taking place throughout the summer, including:
A night-time ramble in Cranbrook on Wednesday 23 August, 8.30pm to 10pm. Take a walk on the wild side of town with the country park ranger as you explore the park by night!
Stargazing and campfire snacks at Trinity Hill on Tuesday 29 August, 9.30pm to 11pm. Join the countryside rangers and the Norman Lockyer Observatory for an evening learning about the night sky around the campfire.
An evening bat walk at Seaton Wetlands on Thursday 7 September, 8pm till late. Enjoy a twilight walk at Seaton Wetlands with the countryside ranger and the Devon Bat Project looking for bats.
For more information on these events, and other events delivered by the countryside team visit wildeastdevon.co.uk Please note that some events require advance booking to secure your place.
For further information the countryside team can be contacted via email: countryside@eastdevon.gov.uk or call 01395 517557.