Fly-through shows early stages of work on Bridge Road in Exeter

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Thursday, March 24, 2016 - 4:50pm

Devon County Council has released a fly-through video and aerial photographs of Bridge Road, Exeter, capturing the route in the early stages of being widened. 

The footage by Matt Cranfield, of Skyflicks, can be viewed here and provides a birds-eye view of the road at the start of the improvement scheme which got underway last month.

The rarely seen view of the road shows how the route looks and will provide an interesting comparison once the work is completed next year.

Work on site has so far concentrated on the southbound side of Countess Wear Bridge.  Utilities connections, including a water main, BT cables, and Virgin Media ducts, are being diverted to allow the carriageway kerbline to be moved closer to the masonry parapet of the bridge. It is essential that this work is completed first so that, once reinstated, the two lanes of traffic can be moved over to allow enough space for the contractor to work on the northbound side, where the new footbridge will be constructed. 

Work on the southbound side of the Countess Wear flood relief bridge is being completed at the same time for the same reasons of freeing up road space for site workers and to aid traffic movement. 

A temporary working platform is being built by the contractor to access this structure, and demolition of the southbound side of the structure will start after Easter.

In the meantime, design work is progressing on the contractor’s access proposals and platforms to work in a very constrained site.

For more information or to subscribe to regular updates on the Bridge Road improvement scheme visit


Bridge Road, Exeter

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