Give and Take your Christmas gifts!

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Wednesday, January 6, 2016 - 7:43am

Devon residents planning a post Christmas clear-out are being urged to donate unwanted items at a ‘Give and Take’ event on January 21 or organise an event of their own.

Give and Take Days enable people to pass on things they no longer need -  and the chance to pick up something they do for free.

There is usually a set ‘giving’ time, before the ‘taking’ begins.

The next event is at the Coaver Club, County Hall, Exeter on Thursday January 21, and it is organised by Recycle Devon.

Items accepted include home, garden and travel items, books, CDs and DVDs, toys and games. sports gear, baby equipment, small items of furniture and soft furnishings / linens.

Items not wanted include electrical or gas items, anything dangerous or toxic, opened toiletries, food, safety equipment such as cycling helmets or child car seats and upholstered items without a fire safety label.

Visitors to the event will be given guidance on how to organise their own Give & Take or Clothes Swap events.

Toolkits including a complete ‘How To…’ guide to organise the events.

Equipment and materials needed, including coat hangers, hanging rails and poster templates, will also be available on the day.

Recycle Devon’s Re-Use Project Co-ordinator, Emma Croft, will be available at the event on January 21 to give advice.

She said: “Lots of communities around Devon are holding their own events already and we want to encourage lots more towns and villages to swap not shop!”.

Councillor Roger Croad, cabinet member with responsibility for the environment said: “The events are great fun, save residents money and help reduce waste

“Give and Take events help ensure that items which are still in good condition are not thrown away needlessly and don’t go to landfill or incinerator.”

To find out more about the kit and these kinds of events, come along to the New Year Give & Take at County Hall’s Coaver Club in Exeter. 

Drop-off unwanted items between 9.30am and 11.30am on the day and then come back to take away items between 12pm and  2pm. 

You can either give and /or take – you don’t have to do both.  Entry is £1 for adults and children are free.

For further information, please contact: Emma Croft, Reuse Project Co-ordinator at Devon County Council at or 07966 566435 or visit

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