Long list options report sent to Sidmouth and East Beach Management Plan steering group

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Monday, December 21, 2015 - 11:30am

The next stage in the development of East Devon District Council’s Sidmouth and East Beach Management Plan (BMP) project is underway, as an appraisal of a draft long list of options, designed to manage potential coastal flooding and erosion along Sidmouth seafront and East Beach, has been sent to the Steering Group (SG) for their consideration, prior to the next SG meeting on 15 January 2016.

The long list of options is based upon comprehensive and detailed studies into coastal processes, defence assessment, environmental issues and economics produced by the council’s consultants CH2M (formerly Halcrow).

The report divides the Sidmouth coastline into four areas and considers different options for each section, ranging from doing nothing through to hard engineering projects such as rock groynes and offshore breakwaters. This initial assessment sets out the costs and initial benefits, as well as environmental  and regeneration issues for each option.

The project’s Steering Group, which comprises a cross-section of partners, including East Devon District Council, Devon County Council and the Environment Agency, as well as local interest groups and Sidmouth councillors, now has the opportunity to comment on the consultants’ appraisal of a wide range of options and to help CH2M work towards a shortlist of options, which will then be considered again in more detail. Comments on the draft report need to be submitted by Steering Group members (who represent the public) by 19 January 2016.

Commenting on the long list of options for the BMP, Councillor Andrew Moulding, the Chairman of the Steering Group said: “We are very pleased to be making such good progress towards selecting and implementing new measures that will ultimately protect Sidmouth homes, businesses and infrastructure from coastal flooding and erosion, as well as protecting beach amenity and assets from the effects of rising sea levels and storm conditions.”

“All the members of the Steering Group have an important part to play in reviewing CH2M’s assessment of the long-list options. The experience and knowledge they bring to this project is invaluable and will help us reach a positive outcome for Sidmouth and East Beach with the completion of the BMP.”

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