Lympstone lad to cycle length of Europe for Hospiscare
Tom Pryor from Lynpstone is taking on an incredible charity challenge in aid of Hospiscare.
Tom (20) and three friends [Alec Bain, Sam Prestwich and James Prestwich], all aged under 21 are embarking on the bike ride of a lifetime on 3rd July and cycling the length of Europe from North to South [Arctic Circle to Southern Spain].
It will take nearly six weeks and they are possibly the youngest group to ever attempt this long distance route. It's a 40 night trip which they are doing completely self-supported, no hotels, hostels, family members, they couldn't even bring themselves to stretch to a tent. The four of them are accompanied by a sleeping bag each, some cooking kit, a tarpaulin and their bikes. They are hoping the weather stays dry!
It's a 3600 mile ride and they will be cycling over 100 miles a day. Tom's mum works for Hospiscare and has been a nurse in end-of-life care for a long time. As an organisation it's very close to the family and a personal cause to support. Many people across Devon have experienced the wonderful care of the Hospiscare team in their time of need, as have the families of their loved ones.
Every penny helps to keep organisations like Hospiscare alive and the boys hope to raise £2000 to support the team there. We'd like to spread the message as far as we can to help meet that target and anything you can do to help raise the profile of the trip and help to raise money for a wonderful local organisation would be greatly appreciated.
More information on the boys and their trip is available on their website https://itsalldownhillfromhere.com
Their Just Giving page is https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/cyclingeuropenorthtosouthforhospi...