Planning application for new water sports centre on Exmouth seafront to be considered
A planning application for a new water sports centre on Exmouth seafront will be considered by East Devon District Council’s Development Management Committee next month.
The application from Grenadier Exmouth Ltd to build the centre and associated facilities off Queen’s Drive, will go before the committee on Tuesday 5 June.
Grenadier proposes a new two-storey water sports centre, café, restaurant and retail units plus car parking, open space and a ramped access to the beach. The application has the support of Exmouth Town Council and there are 37 letters of objection.
The application follows the granting of outline planning permission for the redevelopment of the area including a water sports centre and realignment of Queens Drive in 2014 and a subsequent detailed planning application for the realignment of Queens Drive that was granted 2016.
Planning officers are recommending that the application be approved (subject to a number of conditions) and the committee report detailing the application and the planning assessment will be available to view on the council’s website later this week.
The Development Management Committee will meet at the Knowle, Sidmouth at 10am on 5th June.