Police launch new domestic abuse campaign
A new campaign aimed at tackling domestic abuse has been launched by Devon and Cornwall Police.
The campaign will highlight the fact that domestic abuse can happen to anyone, at any age, in any kind of relationship.
Messages around types of abuse are being communicated across the Force area to show the forms that domestic abuse can take, such as intimidation, financial control, psychological abuse and others.
Domestic abuse survivor, Kate Bolsover, describes her experience: “My abuser made me feel as if I was the one in the wrong, that I deserved the abuse and that everything was my fault. As well as abusing me physically and sexually, he manipulated and controlled me psychologically with intimidation and threats. Many victims of abuse question their own sanity and often feel they won’t be believed if they speak out or seek help. It is so important that people understand that domestic abuse can affect anyone and that it’s not just physical.”
Superintendent Jacqueline Hawley, Devon and Cornwall Police, said: “Domestic abuse is about one person having power and control over another. Abusers can be very subtle, clever and manipulative. They can use intimidation, coercion, threats, blackmail and other tools to control their victims.
“Devon and Cornwall Police has trained officers who can advise and help domestic abuse victims and we hope this campaign will encourage people to come forward if they are in an abusive relationship. We also work very closely with partner agencies as we understand that people don’t always want to approach police in the first instance.
“The important thing is that people recognise abuse and that they can take steps to get out of an abusive situation.”
David Parker of Safer Cornwall added: “We fully support this new campaign. Working in partnership with agencies across Devon and Cornwall means that victims of domestic abuse have a really good chance of getting the help and support they need to get out of an abusive situation and obtain the protection they need.”
The launch coincides with the increase in the occurrence and reporting of domestic abuse incidents during the Christmas and New Year period. The campaign will be rolled out via social media and will also include radio advertising and bus rear and shelter advertising.
For help and advice about domestic abuse across the region visit: www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/domesticabuse or call 101. In an emergency always call 999.
The REACH hub provides a single point of reference for people in Cornwall who are seeking help and information about abuse. Visit: http://safercornwall.co.uk/what-we-do/dasv-hub/