Rolle College campus shuts its doors again
Start-up businesses and community groups will no longer be able to use the Owen Building on the former Rolle College site in Exmouth from the end of November 2016.
After that, the long association that Rolle Exmouth Ltd (REL) has had with the site will end, as new owners Exeter Deaf Academy take full possession of the grounds and buildings, which they have bought from Plymouth University.
But the concept of the REL community enterprise is still very much alive – and those fighting to preserve the spirit of Rolle are ready for the new challenge that they face.
The REL Board will convene in December to take stock and plan future moves. They will meet with shareholders early in the New Year to explain how they believe the multiple facets of business incubation, education & training, plus community & leisure use can still be delivered.
REL has already proved that the business incubation strand is not only viable but is up and running, with several young tech entrepreneurs now operating from the Owen Building. The varied accommodation at Owen has also been used as exhibition space; there is a resident artist; and local arts and musical groups will continue to make use of the space right up to expiry of the licence originally granted by Plymouth University. There is also a demonstrable need for education and training facilities for teenagers and school-leavers in Exmouth.
All these elements have been recognised by East Devon District Council, which has included reference to the provision identified by REL in the Exmouth section of its Local Plan – the recently-adopted planning blueprint for the district.
Although REL has been negotiating with Exeter Deaf Academy since news of their interest first broke early in September, it has not been possible to achieve an extension of the licence.
Deborah Hallett, Chairman of REL, said: “This has been a long, complex and at times frustrating journey. But it is by no means over. REL has succeeded in its original objective of protecting Rolle from massive housing development and has also assisted in the preservation of the site for education and training. This now looks like being under the sole auspices of the Deaf Academy, but this outcome is no mean achievement.
“Over and above that, we have also shown that there is not only a demand for the other uses that we have championed, but that these can be delivered with a combination of cash, energy and determination.
“We want our wonderful shareholders and many supporters to celebrate the successes achieved since REL was formed in 2010. The Rolle site is being handed over to a new owner, but the concept that we created and have been developing is clearly the right one – and is still there to be delivered. We just have to find other ways of making it happen”.
Deborah Hallett added that REL has been working with a number of entrepreneurs in the town and they are positioned to find space to move into for the short-term continuation of the business hub.
Meanwhile the search is also on to find new volunteers for the REL Board. She said: “ REL has established itself as a vehicle for delivering a range of vital facilities in Exmouth and aims to continue driving towards its goals, with the support of shareholders, local representatives and the community as a whole.
“Having joined the REL team in 2012 and been Chairman for two years, it is now time for me to step down from the leadership and from the Board. We are facing new challenges and opportunities and it is essential that new team members come forward from the Community if REL is to sustain momentum.
“We’re going to need extra people and new ideas to carry on the excellent work of the past six years. Roy Pryke, who chaired REL for four years before me, will be Acting Chairman, with Mike Tracey as Company Secretary and Finance Director.
Roy Pryke said “We are definitely going to need fresh energy and extra resources. There is still a need for the community to make a real difference to this town, for the benefit of future generations and of the town’s economy. So come and support us and let’s deliver the dream together!”.