Security team transform life of Devon resident

Mary Youlden
Authored by Mary Youlden
Posted Tuesday, April 7, 2015 - 7:23am

A working collaboration between Bilfinger Europa Facility Management, Princesshay’s security team and local charity St Loye’s Foundation has completely transformed the life of Devon resident Stephen Eede, providing him with the employment opportunity he thought was out of reach.

In 2008, Stephen fell through a sky light on a scaffolding job fracturing his spine. In constant pain and on heavy medication his employment options seemed extremely limited and he remained unemployed for over five years. Stephen became severely depressed, pushing away friends and family as a result.

Following a move to the West Country, Stephen was referred to St Loye’s Foundation, who support disabled and disadvantaged people through a range of services including employment training.  Stephen was given employment advice and support to undertake CCTV and Security Industry Authority training, providing him with essential skills and qualifications needed to gain a career in the security sector, which he was interested in.

St Loye’s organised an informal meeting between Stephen and Dave Purse from Princesshay’s security team, Bilfinger Europa Facility Management, in which Stephen was able to demonstrate his determination and desire to be back in employment.

Stephen said: “I’ve always been a worker. I’ve always loved working. It’s about the whole experience – you get to meet new people and make new friends.”

The initial meeting was a positive one, giving Stephen a much needed confidence boost and this encouragement pushed him to apply for a position at Bilfinger Europa. Following a successful interview, Stephen was offered a full time role as a night security officer joining a large team maintaining the security in one of Exeter’s leading shopping centres.

Dave Purse, Princesshay’s security manager said: ”St Loye’s is a fantastic organisation, extremely helpful for my recruitment process in providing candidates who are already fully qualified and are very keen to be back in employment.”

“It’s great to be building a relationship with St Loye’s staff and clients and helping people get back in to work in the process.”

Stephen said: “It’s been a pleasure to work with Dave and the team at Princesshay. Bilfinger Europa took a gamble on me, not having any real experience and it was great to be given the opportunity. My colleagues are great.”

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