Staff give RD&E glowing report in NHS survey
Staff at the RD&E have given the Trust a glowing report in the 2016 NHS staff survey released yesterday (7 March 2017).
Staff highly recommend the Trust as a place to work and to receive treatment placing it in the top 20% of Acute Trusts nationally.
In addition, the survey findings place the RD&E in the top 20% of hospitals nationally for half of the key findings, including staff involvement in improvements at work, effective team working and placing the care of patients as the organisation's top priority.
The RD&E’s overall ‘staff engagement’ indicator – which is assessed using the responses to nine separate questions has continued to improve year on year, with the Trust performing well above the national average following a detailed programme of activities to transform our culture and to engage staff in change.
Over the last five years the Trust has moved from a below average rating for staff engagement to being in the top 20% compared to other Acute Trusts in the country.
The survey also highlights areas for attention, including staff wellbeing and stress, both of which the Trust takes very seriously and is working hard to establish increased support for staff.
The results build on positive NHS Staff Friends and Family Test results for Q1 and 2 this year, which show that 9 out of 10 staff would recommend the RD&E as a place to receive treatment.
Tracey Cottam, RD&E Director of Transformation and Organisational Development, said: “We are delighted with these results. It is absolutely clear that motivated and engaged staff deliver better quality and safer care, they take less time off work due to sickness and they are more productive.
"That is why we have focused on improving the way we engage with staff. There’s always more to do to build on what we have achieved but I am pleased that staff are predominantly positive about their experience of working at the Trust.”
The NHS Staff Survey in an annual study required by NHS England for all NHS organisations in England. The survey was carried out electronically by Picker Institute Europe on behalf of the RD&E.