Teignbridge scoops top housing award
Teignbridge District Council has scooped a top regional award, winning Regional Council / Local Authority of the Year at the South West Regional Energy Efficiency & Healthy Homes Awards 2017.
Taking the top prize for its leading work in energy efficient projects for the local community and priority in tackling fuel poverty, Teignbridge was up against councils from Bristol, Exeter and South Somerset.
Judges at the awards took into consideration Teignbridge’s role in:
• the impact their work has had within the local community
• what their customers and local community have to say about the council
• what level of expertise the council has within its own teams
• what priority the council gives tackling fuel poverty within its current plans
Teignbridge’s Central Heating fund was also highly commended in the category for Large Scale Project (>£250K) of the Year. This recognised the Council’s efforts in delivering a successful large scale energy saving project while maintaining excellent customer service that demonstrates a high standard of quality workmanship throughout the project.
Teignbridge is being celebrated for doing what’s right, not just what is easy and through its Council Strategy’s ‘A Roof Over Our Heads’ project continues to deliver homes that suit different people’s lifestyles or needs. Teignbridge’s energy achievements include:
• As lead authority successfully bid and obtained £1.13m via the central heating fund to provide central heating to homes across Devon. 187 homes across Devon have had first time central heating installed.
• Have provided assistance for solid wall insulation to 27 homes in Teignbridge via funding successfully bid for from DECC (now BEIS).
• Assisted 364 people in Teignbridge with energy efficiency measures.
• Adapted a “whole house approach” to ensure householders energy needs are met, referring residents to other agencies where appropriate.
• Work in partnership with local and national agencies, including health, social care, public health, Homemaker SW, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue authority and the voluntary sector.
• Provided 27 loans and grant to improve the energy efficiency of people’s homes, including loans and grants for landlords, tenants and homeowners.
• Insulated 21 park homes. We have recently carried out a survey of park homes and received approximately 460 responses, and in the process of directing resources to those residents most in need.
• Solar panels have been installed on Albany House, a local authority owned property used as temporary accommodation, to generate electricity.
• Approximately 90 referrals made to the Local Energy Advice Programme.
Teignbridge District Council’s Housing Manager, Amanda Pujol said:
“This is a fantastic achievement for Teignbridge and one that we should be very proud of. This is recognition for the hard work put in by our staff but also highlights that the district is at the forefront of providing energy efficient homes and our commitment to creating a healthy place where people want to live.”
Pictured: (left to right): James Toler (Teignbridge District Council's Housing Strategy Officer), Zoe Farmer (Teignbridge District Council's Affordable Warmth and Home Energy Officer) and Alison Dolley (Teignbridge District Council's Private Sector Housing Team Leader).