Work on new junction and resurfacing on A361 ahead of schedule
Construction of a new junction to the east of Tiverton and nearby resurfacing work on the A361 remains on schedule, despite the recent bad weather.
Devon County Council says that that scheme is progressing well and it is expected that the traffic contraflow between the Bolham Roundabout and Craze Lowman bridge, which has enabled resurfacing on the eastbound carriageway, will be removed during an overnight closure from 8pm on Thursday (22 March) evening.
There will also be westbound closures overnight from Sampford Peverell to Gornhay on Friday (23 March) for cable work. The closure will be in place from 8pm until 6am the next morning, and again during the same hours overnight on Saturday (24 March).
However, from Friday (23 March) daytime, lane closures will be reinstated, restricting traffic to one lane in each direction for around two weeks. The eastbound lane closure will be lifted after this time.
The westbound lane closure between Craze Lowman bridge and Gornhay Cross will remain in place until early summer while junction work continues. The current phase of the new ‘left in left out’ junction to the east of Tiverton is on track to be completed by June.
The lane closures westbound between Gornhay Cross and Bolham roundabout and eastbound are necessary to complete resurfacing work, which should be finished before Easter. Gornhay Cross junction will be open to traffic while the lane closures are in place.
Work on an acoustic bund, screening neighbouring properties from the new junction, is nearing completion and a two metre high acoustic fence will then be erected on top of the bund.
Councillor Andrea Davis, Devon County Council Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Development and Waste, said: “This scheme is continuing apace and the efforts of the contractor Alun Griffiths and the County Council’s team should be applauded. This is a key junction to unlock development land to the east of Tiverton and I’m pleased to see it will be delivered ahead of time.”
Councillor Stuart Hughes, Devon County Council Cabinet Member for Highway Management, said: “It’s encouraging to see such good progress being made on this extensive project. Resurfacing, new signs and drain cleaning work on the westbound A361 between the new junction and the Bolham roundabout is now complete, and thanks must go to motorists for bearing with us while this work continues.”
Councillor Colin Slade, Devon County Councillor for Tiverton East and Mid Devon councillor, said: “I recently visited the site of the new junction and was impressed not only by the progress made, but also the quality of the work. This also applies to the resurfacing work. The lane closures will soon be back the way they were before Christmas which seemed to work well. There will still be a 40mph speed limit in place and I would ask drivers to continue to be patient and considerate.”
The junction development is being funded by NPIF (National Productivity Infrastructure Fund), Devon County Council, Mid Devon District Council and developer contributions, and is part of the package of proposals for Heart of the South West LEP Growth Deal funding.
The resurfacing scheme has been funded through Devon County Council’s successful bid for Challenge Funding. Following the summer holidays, resurfacing of the A361 will resume in September as planned.
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