PCC to launch consultation on new police and crime plan
Police and Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez is launching a summer long consultation about a new police and Crime plan for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.
She discussed the details with her scrutiny body, the police and crime panel, at its meeting in Plymouth on Friday morning (1 July).
“During the election campaign I set out a clear set of priorities for the future. In particular I made 5 key pledges and these remain a core part of my thinking for the plan.” said Ms Hernandez
The Five Pledges are:
• To work with the Government to get the best funding deal for policing in Devon and Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
• To put policing at the heart of our communities both on the streets and online by working with the other emergency services to greater effect
• To support those affected by crime: victims, witnesses and the most vulnerable in our community
• To improve crime reporting by the public, especially through 101
• To review police station closures
“Over the summer I will be consulting extensively with the public and partners in a range of ways to hear their views on priorities in the plan for the next four years.” said Ms Hernandez
“I want to build on some of the good work already done in areas like victim care, and to drive forward innovation and service improvement. We will continue to develop our plans in these areas and further define and shape our thinking.
“I fully support Devon and Cornwall Police’s mission, in particular its focus on detecting and preventing harm, protecting the vulnerable and reducing crime.
“We must provide a high quality and proactive response to domestic abuse, sexual violence, hate crime, modern slavery and child abuse (including child sexual exploitation) and abuse of the elderly. We must also deal with the challenges we face in our communities as a result of mental ill health.
“I know that the public are also concerned about other issues, such as anti social behaviour, and that many people feel disconnected from policing and these are also covered by my plan. In areas like anti social behaviour the solutions won’t necessarily lie with the police, so I need to talk to partners like councils as part of this consultation to consider what our options might be.”
Ms Hernandez is keen to hear a wide variety of views, particularly concerning:
• Investment in victim services and steps to make the criminal justice system work better for them
• Focus on vulnerable people and action on hidden and deeply harmful crimes such as domestic abuse and modern slavery
• Crime prevention and stronger focus and investment to stop reoffending
• Online safety and fraud
• Linking communities and the police locally and ensuring effective contact
• Collaboration with fire, and others, to improve service delivery for the public
• Measuring the success under the plan
A detailed programme of consultation will take place over July and August. This will include a number of events across the force area, as well as a written consultation and an online survey.
Alison Hernandez: “I hope that people will engage in this process and will encourage others to respond as well. I intend to submit my draft Police and Crime Plan to the Police and Crime Panel at the start of October 2016 and will also publish information about the responses I receive.”
Digital media will play an important role in the consultation with an interactive online questionnaire and an extensive social media campaign. It means that the OPCC can reach more people in a cost effective way and help ensure that as many people as possible can participate in the consultation.
Alison Hernandez and the team will also be out and about across Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly gathering the views of the public about policing in their area. The OPCC will attend many community events over the consultation period as well as hosting its own. The public are invited to come along and give their feedback. All will be publicised on the OPCC website and on social media.
The consultation is the opportunity for the public to help shape the policing priorities for Devon and Cornwall (IoS). There are a number of ways that people can participate. The interactive questionnaire will be available online. The public can also give their feedback at one of the OPCC’s events, or by post to:
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
Endeavour House
Woodwater Park
Pynes Hill